# == Schema Information
# Table name: group_order_article_quantities
#  id                     :integer(4)      not null, primary key
#  group_order_article_id :integer(4)      default(0), not null
#  quantity               :integer(4)      default(0)
#  tolerance              :integer(4)      default(0)
#  created_on             :datetime        not null

# stores the quantity, tolerance and timestamp of an GroupOrderArticle
# Considers every update of an article-order, so may rows for one group_order_article ar possible.

class GroupOrderArticleQuantity < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :group_order_article
  validates_presence_of :group_order_article_id
  validates_inclusion_of :quantity, :in => 0..99
  validates_inclusion_of :tolerance, :in => 0..99