module FoodsoftDateUtil # find next occurence given a recurring ical string and time def self.next_occurrence(start =, from = start, options = {}) occ = nil if options && options[:recurr] schedule = schedule.add_recurrence_rule rule_from(options[:recurr]) # @todo handle ical parse errors occ = (schedule.next_occurrence(from).to_time rescue nil) end if options && options[:time] && occ occ = occ.beginning_of_day.advance(seconds: Time.parse(options[:time]).seconds_since_midnight) end occ end # @param p [String, Symbol, Hash, IceCube::Rule] What to return a rule from. # @return [IceCube::Rule] Recurring rule def self.rule_from(p) if p.is_a? String IceCube::Rule.from_ical(p) elsif p.is_a? Hash IceCube::Rule.from_hash(p) else p end end end