class OrderTxt def initialize(order, options = {}) @order = order end # Renders the fax-text-file # e.g. for easier use with online-fax-software, which don't accept pdf-files def to_txt supplier = @order.supplier contact = FoodsoftConfig[:contact].symbolize_keys text = I18n.t('orders.fax.heading', :name => FoodsoftConfig[:name]) text += "\n#{Supplier.human_attribute_name(:customer_number)}: #{supplier.customer_number}" unless supplier.customer_number.blank? text += "\n" + I18n.t('orders.fax.delivery_day') text += "\n\n#{}\n#{supplier.address}\n#{Supplier.human_attribute_name(:fax)}: #{supplier.fax}\n\n" text += "****** " + I18n.t('orders.fax.to_address') + "\n\n" text += "#{FoodsoftConfig[:name]}\n#{contact[:street]}\n#{contact[:zip_code]} #{contact[:city]}\n\n" text += "****** " + I18n.t('orders.fax.articles') + "\n\n" text += "%8s %8s %s\n" % [I18n.t('orders.fax.number'), I18n.t('orders.fax.amount'), I18n.t('')] # now display all ordered articles @order.order_articles.ordered.includes([:article, :article_price]).each do |oa| text += "%8s %8d %s\n" % [oa.article.order_number, oa.units_to_order.to_i,] end text end # Helper method to test pdf via rails console: def save_tmp"#{Rails.root}/tmp/#{self.class.to_s.underscore}.txt", 'w') { |f| f.write(to_csv.force_encoding("UTF-8")) } end end