# encoding: utf-8 class OrderMatrix < OrderPdf MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE = 16 # How many order_articles shoud written on a page def filename I18n.t('documents.order_matrix.filename', :name => @order.name, :date => @order.ends.to_date) + '.pdf' end def title I18n.t('documents.order_matrix.title', :name => @order.name, :date => @order.ends.strftime(I18n.t('date.formats.default'))) end def body order_articles = @order.order_articles.ordered text I18n.t('documents.order_matrix.heading'), style: :bold move_down 5 text I18n.t('documents.order_matrix.total', :count => order_articles.size), size: fontsize(8) move_down 10 order_articles_data = [I18n.t('documents.order_matrix.rows')] order_articles.each do |a| order_articles_data << [a.article.name, a.article.unit, a.price.unit_quantity, number_with_precision(article_price(a), precision: 2), a.units] end table order_articles_data, cell_style: {size: fontsize(8), overflow: :shrink_to_fit} do |table| table.cells.border_width = 1 table.cells.border_color = '666666' end page_number = 0 total_num_order_articles = order_articles.size while page_number * MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE < total_num_order_articles do # Start page generating page_number += 1 start_new_page(layout: :landscape) # Collect order_articles for this page current_order_articles = order_articles.select do |a| order_articles.index(a) >= (page_number-1) * MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE and order_articles.index(a) < page_number * MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE end # Make order_articles header header = [""] for header_article in current_order_articles name = header_article.article.name.gsub(/[-\/]/, " ").gsub(".", ". ") name = name.split.collect { |w| w.truncate(8) }.join(" ") header << name.truncate(30) end # Collect group results groups_data = [header] @order.group_orders.includes(:ordergroup).each do |group_order| group_result = [group_order.ordergroup_name.truncate(20)] for order_article in current_order_articles # get the Ordergroup result for this order_article goa = order_article.group_order_articles.where(group_order_id: group_order.id).first group_result << ((goa.nil? || goa.result == 0) ? "" : goa.result.to_i) end groups_data << group_result end # Make table column_widths = [85] (MAX_ARTICLES_PER_PAGE + 1).times { |i| column_widths << 41 unless i == 0 } table groups_data, column_widths: column_widths, cell_style: {size: fontsize(8), overflow: :shrink_to_fit} do |table| table.cells.border_width = 1 table.cells.border_color = '666666' table.row_colors = ['ffffff','ececec'] end end end private # Return price for article. # # This is a separate method so that plugins can override it. # # @param article [Article] # @return [Number] Price to show # @see https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft/issues/445 def article_price(article) article.price.fc_price end end