# encoding: utf-8 class Article < ActiveRecord::Base # @!attribute name # @return [String] Article name # @!attribute unit # @return [String] Unit, e.g. +kg+, +2 L+ or +5 pieces+. # @!attribute note # @return [String] Short line with optional extra article information. # @!attribute availability # @return [Boolean] Whether this article is available within the Foodcoop. # @!attribute manufacturer # @return [String] Original manufacturer. # @!attribute origin # Where the article was produced. # ISO 3166-1 2-letter country code, optionally prefixed with region. # E.g. +NL+ or +Sicily, IT+ or +Berlin, DE+. # @return [String] Production origin. # @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2#Officially_assigned_code_elements # @!attribute price # @return [Number] Net price # @see ArticlePrice#price # @!attribute tax # @return [Number] VAT percentage (10 is 10%). # @see ArticlePrice#tax # @!attribute deposit # @return [Number] Deposit # @see ArticlePrice#deposit # @!attribute unit_quantity # @return [Number] Number of units in wholesale package (box). # @see ArticlePrice#unit_quantity # @!attribute order_number # Order number, this can be used by the supplier to identify articles. # This is required when using the shared database functionality. # @return [String] Order number. # @!attribute article_category # @return [ArticleCategory] Category this article is in. belongs_to :article_category # @!attribute supplier # @return [Supplier] Supplier this article belongs to. belongs_to :supplier # @!attribute article_prices # @return [Array] Price history (current price first). has_many :article_prices, -> { order("created_at DESC") } # Replace numeric seperator with database format localize_input_of :price, :tax, :deposit # Get rid of unwanted whitespace. {Unit#new} may even bork on whitespace. normalize_attributes :name, :unit, :note, :manufacturer, :origin, :order_number scope :undeleted, -> { where(deleted_at: nil) } scope :available, -> { undeleted.where(availability: true) } scope :not_in_stock, -> { where(type: nil) } # Validations validates_presence_of :name, :unit, :price, :tax, :deposit, :unit_quantity, :supplier_id, :article_category validates_length_of :name, :in => 4..60 validates_length_of :unit, :in => 2..15 validates_numericality_of :price, :greater_than_or_equal_to => 0 validates_numericality_of :unit_quantity, :greater_than => 0 validates_numericality_of :deposit, :tax #validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:supplier_id, :deleted_at, :type], if: Proc.new {|a| a.supplier.shared_sync_method.blank? or a.supplier.shared_sync_method == 'import' } #validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => [:supplier_id, :deleted_at, :type, :unit, :unit_quantity] validate :uniqueness_of_name # Callbacks before_save :update_price_history before_destroy :check_article_in_use # The financial gross, net plus tax and deposti def gross_price ((price + deposit) * (tax / 100 + 1)).round(2) end # The price for the foodcoop-member. def fc_price (gross_price * (FoodsoftConfig[:price_markup] / 100 + 1)).round(2) end # Returns true if article has been updated at least 2 days ago def recently_updated updated_at > 2.days.ago end # If the article is used in an open Order, the Order will be returned. def in_open_order @in_open_order ||= begin order_articles = OrderArticle.where(order_id: Order.open.collect(&:id)) order_article = order_articles.detect {|oa| oa.article_id == id } order_article ? order_article.order : nil end end # Returns true if the article has been ordered in the given order at least once def ordered_in_order?(order) order.order_articles.where(article_id: id).where('quantity > 0').one? end # this method checks, if the shared_article has been changed # unequal attributes will returned in array # if only the timestamps differ and the attributes are equal, # false will returned and self.shared_updated_on will be updated def shared_article_changed?(supplier = self.supplier) # skip early if the timestamp hasn't changed shared_article = self.shared_article(supplier) unless shared_article.nil? or self.shared_updated_on == shared_article.updated_on # try to convert units # convert supplier's price and unit_quantity into fc-size new_price, new_unit_quantity = self.convert_units new_unit = self.unit unless new_price and new_unit_quantity # if convertion isn't possible, take shared_article-price/unit_quantity new_price, new_unit_quantity, new_unit = shared_article.price, shared_article.unit_quantity, shared_article.unit end # check if all attributes differ unequal_attributes = Article.compare_attributes( { :name => [self.name, shared_article.name], :manufacturer => [self.manufacturer, shared_article.manufacturer.to_s], :origin => [self.origin, shared_article.origin], :unit => [self.unit, new_unit], :price => [self.price.to_f.round(2), new_price.to_f.round(2)], :tax => [self.tax, shared_article.tax], :deposit => [self.deposit.to_f.round(2), shared_article.deposit.to_f.round(2)], # take care of different num-objects. :unit_quantity => [self.unit_quantity.to_s.to_f, new_unit_quantity.to_s.to_f], :note => [self.note.to_s, shared_article.note.to_s] } ) if unequal_attributes.empty? # when attributes not changed, update timestamp of article self.update_attribute(:shared_updated_on, shared_article.updated_on) false else unequal_attributes end end end # compare attributes from different articles. used for auto-synchronization # returns array of symbolized unequal attributes def self.compare_attributes(attributes) unequal_attributes = attributes.select { |name, values| values[0] != values[1] and not (values[0].blank? and values[1].blank?) } unequal_attributes.collect { |pair| pair[0] } end # to get the correspondent shared article def shared_article(supplier = self.supplier) self.order_number.blank? and return nil @shared_article ||= supplier.shared_supplier.shared_articles.find_by_number(self.order_number) rescue nil end # convert units in foodcoop-size # uses unit factors in app_config.yml to calc the price/unit_quantity # returns new price and unit_quantity in array, when calc is possible => [price, unit_quanity] # returns false if units aren't foodsoft-compatible # returns nil if units are eqal def convert_units if unit != shared_article.unit # legacy, used by foodcoops in Germany if shared_article.unit == "KI" and unit == "ST" # 'KI' means a box, with a different amount of items in it # try to match the size out of its name, e.g. "banana 10-12 St" => 10 new_unit_quantity = /[0-9\-\s]+(St)/.match(shared_article.name).to_s.to_i if new_unit_quantity and new_unit_quantity > 0 new_price = (shared_article.price/new_unit_quantity.to_f).round(2) [new_price, new_unit_quantity] else false end else # use ruby-units to convert fc_unit = (::Unit.new(unit) rescue nil) supplier_unit = (::Unit.new(shared_article.unit) rescue nil) if fc_unit and supplier_unit and fc_unit =~ supplier_unit conversion_factor = (fc_unit.convert_to(supplier_unit.units) / supplier_unit).scalar new_price = shared_article.price * conversion_factor new_unit_quantity = shared_article.unit_quantity / conversion_factor [new_price, new_unit_quantity] else false end end else nil end end def deleted? deleted_at.present? end def mark_as_deleted check_article_in_use update_column :deleted_at, Time.now end protected # Checks if the article is in use before it will deleted def check_article_in_use raise I18n.t('articles.model.error_in_use', :article => self.name.to_s) if self.in_open_order end # Create an ArticlePrice, when the price-attr are changed. def update_price_history if price_changed? article_prices.build( :price => price, :tax => tax, :deposit => deposit, :unit_quantity => unit_quantity ) end end def price_changed? changed.detect { |attr| attr == 'price' || 'tax' || 'deposit' || 'unit_quantity' } ? true : false end # We used have the name unique per supplier+deleted_at+type. With the addition of shared_sync_method all, # this came in the way, and we now allow duplicate names for the 'all' methods - expecting foodcoops to # make their own choice among products with different units by making articles available/unavailable. def uniqueness_of_name matches = Article.where(name: name, supplier_id: supplier_id, deleted_at: deleted_at, type: type) matches = matches.where.not(id: id) unless new_record? if supplier.shared_sync_method.blank? or supplier.shared_sync_method == 'import' errors.add :name, :taken if matches.any? else errors.add :name, :taken_with_unit if matches.where(unit: unit, unit_quantity: unit_quantity).any? end end end