# ActionMailer class that handles all emails for the FoodSoft. class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base # Sends an email with instructions on how to reset the password. # Assumes user.setResetPasswordToken has been successfully called already. def password(user) request = ApplicationController.current.request subject "[#{APP_CONFIG[:name]}] Neues Passwort für/ New password for " + user.nick recipients user.email from "FoodSoft <#{APP_CONFIG[:email_sender]}>" body :user => user, :link => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "login", :action => "password", :id => user.id, :token => user.reset_password_token), :foodsoftUrl => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "index") end # Sends an email copy of the given internal foodsoft message. def message(message) request = ApplicationController.current.request subject "[#{APP_CONFIG[:name]}] " + message.subject recipients message.recipient.email from (message.system_message? ? "FoodSoft <#{APP_CONFIG[:email_sender]}>" : "#{message.sender.nick} <#{message.sender.email}>") body :body => message.body, :sender => (message.system_message? ? 'Foodsoft' : message.sender.nick), :recipients => message.recipients, :reply => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "messages", :action => "reply", :id => message), :profile => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "home", :action => "profile"), :link => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "messages", :action => "show", :id => message), :foodsoftUrl => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "/") end # Sends an invite email. def invite(invite) request = ApplicationController.current.request subject "Einladung in die Foodcoop #{APP_CONFIG[:name]} - Invitation to the Foodcoop" recipients invite.email from "FoodSoft <#{APP_CONFIG[:email_sender]}>" body :invite => invite, :link => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "login", :action => "invite", :id => invite.token), :foodsoftUrl => url_for(:host => request.host, :controller => "index") end end