en:   admin:     edit: 'edit'     delete: 'delete'     confirm: 'Do you really want to delete %{name}?'     actions: 'actions'     access_to: 'access to'     or_cancel: 'or cancel'     search_placeholder: 'name ..'     base:       index:         title: 'administration'         first_paragraph: 'Here you can administrate the groups and users of Foodsoft.'         newest_users: 'newest users'         username: 'username'         name: 'name'         created_at: 'created at'         all_users: 'all users'         new_user: 'new users'         newest_groups: 'newest groups'         groupname: 'groupname'         type: 'type'         members: 'members'         all_ordergroups: 'all ordergroups'         new_ordergroup: 'new ordergroups'         all_workgroups: 'all workgroups'         new_workgroup: 'new workgroups'     ordergroups:       index:         title: 'ordergroup'         new_ordergroup: 'adding new ordergroup'         first_paragraph: 'here you can add a %{url}, administer a group or delete it.'         new_ordergroups: 'new ordergroups'         second_paragraph: "Consider the difference between group and ordergroup: A ordergroup has an account and can order food. In a %{url} (for example 'sortinggroup') the members coordinate each other via tasks and messages. Users can always just be part of one ordergroup, but any multitude of other groups."         workgroup: 'workgroup'       edit:         title: 'edit ordergroup'       new:         title: 'creat ordergroup'       form:         first_paragraph: 'you can invite new members %{url}.'         here: 'here'       show:         title: 'ordergroup %{name}'         edit: 'edit group/member'         delete: 'delete'         confirm: 'Are you sure?'         send_message: 'send message'       ordergroups:         name: 'name'         contact: 'contact'         address: 'address'         members: 'members'     users:       index:         title: 'admin/users'         new_user: 'creat new user'         first_paragraph: 'Here you can edit users %{url}, bearbeiten and also delete them.'         new_users: 'creat new user'       edit:         title: 'edit user'       new:         title: 'creat new user'       show:         person: 'person'         member_since: 'member since %{time}'         nick: 'nick'         name: 'name'         email: 'email'         phone: 'phone'         preference: 'preference'         groupabos: 'groupabos'         confirm: 'You really want to kick out %{user}?'         send_message: 'send message'       users:         login: 'login'         name: 'name'         email: 'email'         last_login: 'last login'     workgroups:       index:         title: 'workgroups'         new_workgroup: 'creat new workgroup'         first_paragraph: 'Here you can create %{url} groups, edit and delete them.'         new_workgroups: 'new workgroup'         second_paragraph: "Be aware the difference between group and ordergroup: A %{url} has an account and can order food. In a workgroup (for example 'sortinggroup') the members coordinate each other via tasks and messages. Users can always just be part of one ordergroup, but a multitude of other groups."         ordergroup: 'ordergroup'       edit:         title: 'edit workgroup'       new:         title: 'creat workgroup'       form:         first_paragraph: 'new members you can invite %{url}.'         here: 'here'       show:         title: 'workgroup %{name}'         edit: 'edit group/members'         delete: 'delete'         confirm: 'Are you sure?'       workgroups:         name: 'name'         members: 'members'