class GroupOrderArticlesController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_finance before_action :find_group_order_article, except: [:new, :create] layout false # We only use this controller to server js snippets, no need for layout rendering def new @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:order_article_id]) @group_order_article = @order_article) end def create # XXX when ordergroup_id appears before order_article_id in the parameters, you # can get `NoMethodError - undefined method 'order_id' for nil:NilClass` @group_order_article =[:group_order_article]) @order_article = @group_order_article.order_article # As we hide group_order_articles with a result of 0, we should not complain, when an existing group_order_article is found goa = GroupOrderArticle.where(group_order_id: @group_order_article.group_order_id, order_article_id: if goa && goa.update_attributes(params[:group_order_article]) @group_order_article = goa update_summaries(@group_order_article) render :create elsif update_summaries(@group_order_article) render :create else # Validation failed, show form render :new end end def update if params[:delta] @group_order_article.update_attribute :result, [@group_order_article.result + params[:delta].to_f, 0].max else @group_order_article.update_attributes(params[:group_order_article]) end update_summaries(@group_order_article) render :update end def destroy # only destroy if quantity and tolerance was zero already, so that we don't # lose what the user ordered, if any if @group_order_article.quantity > 0 || @group_order_article.tolerance > 0 @group_order_article.update_attribute(:result, 0) else @group_order_article.destroy end update_summaries(@group_order_article) render :update end protected def update_summaries(group_order_article) # Update the price attribute of new GroupOrder group_order_article.group_order.update_price! # Update units_to_order of order_article group_order_article.order_article.update_results! if group_order_article.order_article.article.is_a?(StockArticle) end def find_group_order_article @group_order_article = GroupOrderArticle.find(params[:id]) end end