class Api::V1::BaseController < ApplicationController include AuthApi protect_from_forgery with: :null_session before_action :skip_session before_action :authenticate rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :not_found_handler rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, with: :not_acceptable_handler rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, with: :not_acceptable_handler rescue_from Api::Errors::PermissionRequired, with: :permission_required_handler private # @return [Ordergroup] Current user's ordergroup, or +nil+ if no valid token or user has no ordergroup. def current_ordergroup current_user.try(:ordergroup) end def require_ordergroup authenticate unless current_ordergroup.present? raise'Forbidden, must be in an ordergroup') end end def require_minimum_balance minimum_balance = FoodsoftConfig[:minimum_balance] or return if current_ordergroup.account_balance < minimum_balance raise'application.controller.error_minimum_balance', min: minimum_balance)) end end def require_enough_apples if current_ordergroup.not_enough_apples? s = t('group_orders.messages.not_enough_apples', apples: current_ordergroup.apples, stop_ordering_under: FoodsoftConfig[:stop_ordering_under]) raise end end def require_config_enabled(config) unless FoodsoftConfig[config] raise'application.controller.error_not_enabled', config: config)) end end def skip_session request.session_options[:skip] = true end def not_found_handler(e) # remove where-clauses from error message (not suitable for end-users) msg = e.message.try { |m| m.sub(/\s*\[.*?\]\s*$/, '') } || 'Not found' render status: 404, json: { error: 'not_found', error_description: msg } end def not_acceptable_handler(e) msg = e.message || 'Data not acceptable' render status: 422, json: { error: 'not_acceptable', error_description: msg } end def doorkeeper_unauthorized_render_options(error:) { json: { error:, error_description: error.description } } end def doorkeeper_forbidden_render_options(error:) { json: { error:, error_description: error.description } } end def permission_required_handler(e) msg = e.message || 'Forbidden, user has no access' render status: 403, json: { error: 'forbidden', error_description: msg } end # @todo something with ApplicationHelper#show_user def show_user(user = current_user, **options) user.display end end