class HomeController < ApplicationController helper :messages def index @currentOrders = @ordergroup = @current_user.ordergroup if @ordergroup @financial_transactions = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.find(:all, :order => 'created_on desc', :limit => 3) end # unaccepted tasks @unaccepted_tasks = @current_user.unaccepted_tasks # task in next week @next_tasks = @current_user.next_tasks @messages = Message.user.find :all, :limit => 5 # count tasks with no responsible person # tasks for groups the current user is not a member are ignored tasks = Task.find(:all, :conditions => ["assigned = ? and done = ?", false, false]) @unassigned_tasks_number = 0 for task in tasks (@unassigned_tasks_number += 1) unless task.workgroup && !current_user.is_member_of(task.workgroup) end end def profile @user = @current_user end def update_profile @user = @current_user if @user.update_attributes(params[:user]) flash[:notice] = 'Ă„nderungen wurden gespeichert.' redirect_to :action => 'profile' else render :action => 'profile' end end def ordergroup @user = @current_user @ordergroup = @user.ordergroup @ordergroup_column_names = ["Description", "Actual Size", "Balance", "Updated"] @ordergroup_columns = ["description", "actual_size", "account_balance", "account_updated"] #listing the financial transactions with ajax... if params['sort'] sort = case params['sort'] when "date" then "created_on" when "note" then "note" when "amount" then "amount" when "date_reverse" then "created_on DESC" when "note_reverse" then "note DESC" when "amount_reverse" then "amount DESC" end else sort = "created_on DESC" end # or if somebody uses the search field: conditions = ["note LIKE ?", "%#{params[:query]}%"] unless params[:query].nil? @total = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.count(:conditions => conditions) @financial_transactions = @ordergroup.financial_transactions.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10, :conditions => conditions, :order => sort) respond_to do |format| format.html # myOrdergroup.haml format.js { render :partial => "finance/transactions/list" } end end # cancel personal memberships direct from the myProfile-page def cancel_membership membership = Membership.find(params[:membership_id]) if membership.user == current_user membership.destroy flash[:notice] = "Du bist jetzt kein Mitglied der Gruppe #{} mehr." else flash[:error] = "Ein Problem ist aufgetreten." end redirect_to my_profile_path end end