require 'exception_notification/rails'

require 'resque/failure/multiple'
require 'resque/failure/redis'
require 'exception_notification/resque'

Resque::Failure::Multiple.classes = [Resque::Failure::Redis, ExceptionNotification::Resque]
Resque::Failure.backend = Resque::Failure::Multiple

ExceptionNotification.configure do |config|
  # Ignore additional exception types.
  # ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound, AbstractController::ActionNotFound and ActionController::RoutingError are already added.
  # config.ignored_exceptions += %w{ActionView::TemplateError CustomError}

  # Adds a condition to decide when an exception must be ignored or not.
  # The ignore_if method can be invoked multiple times to add extra conditions.
  config.ignore_if do |exception, options|
    Rails.env.development? || Rails.env.test?

  # Notifiers =================================================================

  # Email notifier sends notifications by email.
  if notification = FoodsoftConfig[:notification]
    config.add_notifier :email, {
      :email_prefix => notification[:email_prefix],
      :sender_address => notification[:sender_address],
      :exception_recipients => notification[:error_recipients],

  # Campfire notifier sends notifications to your Campfire room. Requires 'tinder' gem.
  # config.add_notifier :campfire, {
  #   :subdomain => 'my_subdomain',
  #   :token => 'my_token',
  #   :room_name => 'my_room'
  # }

  # HipChat notifier sends notifications to your HipChat room. Requires 'hipchat' gem.
  # config.add_notifier :hipchat, {
  #   :api_token => 'my_token',
  #   :room_name => 'my_room'
  # }

  # Webhook notifier sends notifications over HTTP protocol. Requires 'httparty' gem.
  # config.add_notifier :webhook, {
  #   :url => '',
  #   :http_method => :post
  # }