# put in here all foodsoft tasks # => :environment loads the environment an gives easy access to the application namespace :foodsoft do desc "Notify users of upcoming tasks" task :notify_upcoming_tasks => :environment do tasks = Task.where(done: false, due_date: 1.day.from_now.to_date) for task in tasks rake_say "Send notifications for #{task.name} to .." for user in task.users if user.settings.notify['upcoming_tasks'] Mailer.deliver_now_with_user_locale user do Mailer.upcoming_tasks(user, task) end end end end end desc "Notify workgroup of upcoming weekly task" task :notify_users_of_weekly_task => :environment do tasks = Task.where(done: false, due_date: 7.day.from_now.to_date) for task in tasks unless task.enough_users_assigned? workgroup = task.workgroup if workgroup rake_say "Notify workgroup: #{workgroup.name} for task #{task.name}" for user in workgroup.users if user.receive_email? Mailer.deliver_now_with_user_locale user do Mailer.not_enough_users_assigned(task, user) end end end end end end end desc "Create upcoming periodic tasks" task :create_upcoming_periodic_tasks => :environment do for tg in PeriodicTaskGroup.all created_until = tg.create_tasks_for_upfront_days rake_say "created until #{created_until}" end end desc "Parse incoming email on stdin (options: RECIPIENT=foodcoop.handling)" task :parse_reply_email => :environment do FoodsoftMailReceiver.received ENV['RECIPIENT'], STDIN.read end desc "Start STMP server for incoming email (options: SMTP_SERVER_PORT=2525, SMTP_SERVER_HOST=" task :reply_email_smtp_server => :environment do port = ENV['SMTP_SERVER_PORT'].present? ? ENV['SMTP_SERVER_PORT'].to_i : 2525 host = ENV['SMTP_SERVER_HOST'] rake_say "Started SMTP server for incoming email on port #{port}." server = FoodsoftMailReceiver.new port, host server.start server.join end end # Helper def rake_say(message) puts message unless Rake.application.options.silent end