# Foodcoop-specific configuration. # # This is loaded from +config/app_config.yml+, which contains a root # key for each environment (plus an optional +defaults+ key). When using # the multicoops feature (+multicoops+ is set to +true+ for the environment), # each foodcoop has its own key. # # In addition to the configuration file, values can be overridden in the database # using {RailsSettings::CachedSettings} as +foodcoop.<foodcoop_scope>.**+. # # Some values may not be set in the database (e.g. the database connection to # sharedlists, or +default_scope+), these are defined as children of the # +protected+ key. The default contains a sensible list, but you can modify # that. Here's an almost minimal example: # # default: # default_scope: f # host: order.foodstuff.test # hostname for urls in emails # # name: Fairy Foodstuff # the name of our foodcoop # contact: # # ... # email: fairy@foodstuff.test # general contact email address # # price_markup: 6 # foodcoop margin # # protected: # shared_lists: false # allow database connection override # use_messages: true # foodcoops can't disable the use of messages # # When you like to whitelist protected attributes, define an entry +all: true+, # then you can whitelist specific attributes setting them to +false+. # class FoodsoftConfig # @!attribute scope # Returns the current foodcoop scope for the multicoops feature, otherwise # the value of the foodcoop configuration key +default_scope+ is used. # @return [String] The current foodcoop scope. mattr_accessor :scope # @!attribute config # Returns a {ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess Hash} with the current # scope's configuration from the configuration file. Note that this does not # include values that were changed in the database. # @return [ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess] Current configuration from configuration file. mattr_accessor :config mattr_accessor :default_config # Configuration file location. # Taken from environment variable +FOODSOFT_APP_CONFIG+, # or else +config/app_config.yml+. APP_CONFIG_FILE = ENV.fetch('FOODSOFT_APP_CONFIG', 'config/app_config.yml') # Loaded configuration APP_CONFIG = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new # distribution strategy config values enum module DistributionStrategy FIRST_ORDER_FIRST_SERVE = 'first_order_first_serve' NO_AUTOMATIC_DISTRIBUTION = 'no_automatic_distribution' end class << self # Load and initialize foodcoop configuration file. # @param filename [String] Override configuration file def init(filename = APP_CONFIG_FILE) Rails.logger.info "Loading app configuration from #{APP_CONFIG_FILE}" APP_CONFIG.clear.merge! YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read(File.expand_path(filename, Rails.root))).result) # Gather program-default configuration self.default_config = get_default_config # Load initial config from development or production set_config Rails.env # Overwrite scope to have a better namescope than 'production' self.scope = config[:default_scope] or raise 'No default_scope is set' # Set defaults for backward-compatibility set_missing # Make sure relevant configuration is applied, also in single coops mode, # where select_foodcoop is not called in every request. setup_mailing end def init_mailing %i[protocol host port script_name].each do |k| ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[k] = self[k] if self[k] end end # Set config and database connection for specific foodcoop. # # Only needed in multi coop mode. # @param foodcoop [String, Symbol] Foodcoop to select. def select_foodcoop(foodcoop) set_config foodcoop setup_database setup_mailing end def select_default_foodcoop select_foodcoop config[:default_scope] end def select_multifoodcoop(foodcoop) select_foodcoop foodcoop if config[:multi_coop_install] end # Return configuration value for the currently selected foodcoop. # # First tries to read configuration from the database (cached), # then from the configuration files. # # FoodsoftConfig[:name] # => 'FC Test' # # To avoid errors when the database is not yet setup (when loading # the initial database schema), cached settings are only being read # when the settings table exists. # # @param key [String, Symbol] # @return [Object] Value of the key. def [](key) if RailsSettings::CachedSettings.table_exists? && allowed_key?(key) value = RailsSettings::CachedSettings["foodcoop.#{scope}.#{key}"] value = config[key] if value.nil? value else config[key] end end # Store configuration in the database. # # If value is equal to what's defined in the configuration file, remove key from the database. # @param key [String, Symbol] Key # @param value [Object] Value # @return [Boolean] Whether storing succeeded (fails when key is not allowed to be set in database). def []=(key, value) return false unless allowed_key?(key) value = normalize_value value # then update database if config[key] == value || (config[key].nil? && value == false) # delete (ok if it was already deleted) begin RailsSettings::CachedSettings.destroy "foodcoop.#{scope}.#{key}" rescue RailsSettings::Settings::SettingNotFound end else # or store RailsSettings::CachedSettings["foodcoop.#{scope}.#{key}"] = value end true end # @return [Array<String>] Configuration keys that are set (either in +app_config.yml+ or database). def keys keys = RailsSettings::CachedSettings.get_all("foodcoop.#{scope}.").try(:keys) || [] keys.map! { |k| k.gsub(/^foodcoop\.#{scope}\./, '') } keys += config.keys keys.map(&:to_s).uniq end # @return [Array<String>] Valid names of foodcoops. def foodcoops if config[:multi_coop_install] APP_CONFIG.keys.grep_v(/^(default|development|test|production)$/) else [config[:default_scope]] end end # Loop through each foodcoop and executes the given block after setup config and database def each_coop foodcoops.each do |coop| select_multifoodcoop coop yield coop end end def allowed_foodcoop?(foodcoop) foodcoops.include? foodcoop end # @return [Boolean] Whether this key may be set in the database def allowed_key?(key) # fast check for keys without nesting if config[:protected].include? key !config[:protected][key] else !config[:protected][:all] end # @todo allow to check nested keys as well end # @return [Hash] Full configuration. def to_hash keys.index_with { |k| self[k] } end # for using active_model_serializer in the api/v1/configs controller alias read_attribute_for_serialization [] # @!attribute default_config # Returns the program-default foodcoop configuration. # # Plugins (engines in Rails terms) can easily add to the default # configuration by defining a method +default_foodsoft_config+ in # their engine and modify the {Hash} passed. # # When modifying this, please make sure to use default values that # match old behaviour. For example, when the wiki was made optional # and turned into a plugin, the configuration item +use_wiki+ was # introduced with a default value of +true+ (set in the wiki plugin): # # module FoodsoftWiki # class Engine < ::Rails::Engine # def default_foodsoft_config(cfg) # cfg[:use_wiki] = true # keep backward compatibility # end # end # end # # @return [Hash] Default configuration values private def set_config(foodcoop) raise "No config for this environment (#{foodcoop}) available!" if APP_CONFIG[foodcoop].nil? self.config = APP_CONFIG[foodcoop] self.scope = foodcoop set_missing end def setup_database database_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.find_db_config(Rails.env).configuration_hash database_config = database_config.merge(config[:database]) if config[:database].present? ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(database_config) end def setup_mailing ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:foodcoop] = scope end # Completes foodcoop configuration with program defaults. # @see #foodsoft_config def set_missing config.replace(default_config.deep_merge(config)) end # Returns program-default configuration. # When new options are introduced, put backward-compatible defaults here, so that # configuration files that haven't been updated, still work as they did. This also # makes sure that the configuration editor picks up the defaults. # @return [Hash] Program-default foodcoop configuration. # @see #default_config # @see #set_missing def get_default_config cfg = { use_nick: true, use_apple_points: true, # English is the default language, and this makes it show up as default. default_locale: 'en', time_zone: 'Berlin', currency_unit: '€', currency_space: true, foodsoft_url: 'https://github.com/foodcoops/foodsoft', contact: {}, # avoid errors when undefined tasks_period_days: 7, tasks_upfront_days: 49, shared_supplier_article_sync_limit: 200, distribution_strategy: FoodsoftConfig::DistributionStrategy::FIRST_ORDER_FIRST_SERVE, # The following keys cannot, by default, be set by foodcoops themselves. protected: { multi_coop_install: true, default_scope: true, notification: true, shared_lists: true, protected: true, database: true } } # allow engines to easily add to this engines = Rails::Engine.subclasses.map(&:instance).select { |e| e.respond_to?(:default_foodsoft_config) } engines.each { |e| e.default_foodsoft_config(cfg) } cfg end # Normalize value recursively (which can be entered as strings, but we want to store it properly) def normalize_value(value) value = value.map { |v| normalize_value(v) } if value.is_a? Array if value.is_a? Hash value = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess[value.to_a.map do |a| [a[0], normalize_value(a[1])] end] end case value when 'true' then true when 'false' then false when /^[-+0-9]+$/ then value.to_i when /^[-+0-9.]+([eE][-+0-9]+)?$/ then value.to_f when '' then nil else value end end end end