require 'swagger_helper' describe 'User', type: :request do include ApiHelper let(:api_scopes) { ['finance:user'] } let(:user) { create :user, groups: [create(:ordergroup)] } let(:other_user2) { create :user } let(:ft) { create(:financial_transaction, user: user, ordergroup: user.ordergroup) } before do ft end path '/user/financial_transactions' do post 'financial transaction to create' do tags 'User', 'FinancialTransaction' consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/json' parameter name: :financial_transaction, in: :body, schema: { type: :object, properties: { amount: { type: :integer }, financial_transaction_type: { type: :integer }, note: { type: :string } } } let(:financial_transaction) { { amount: 3, financial_transaction_type_id: create(:financial_transaction_type).id, note: 'lirum larum' } } response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { financial_transaction_for_create: { type: :object, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/FinancialTransactionForCreate' } } } run_test! end # 401 it_handles_invalid_token_with_id(:financial_transaction) # 403 # description: user has no ordergroup, is below minimum balance, self service is disabled, or missing scope it_handles_invalid_scope_with_id(:financial_transaction) # TODO: fix 404 and 422 # 404 # Type not found # description: financial transaction type not found # Should be 404, but is 200 with validation errors.. # Rswag::Specs::UnexpectedResponse: # Expected response code '404' to match '200' # Response body: {"error":"not_found","error_description":"Couldn't find FinancialTransactionType with 'id'=invalid"} # let(:financial_transaction) { { amount: 3, financial_transaction_type_id: 'invalid', note: 'lirum larum' } } # response '404', 'invalid parameter value' do # schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error404' # run_test! # end # 422 # response '422', 'invalid parameter value' do # let(:financial_transaction) { { amount: -3, financial_transaction_type_id: create(:financial_transaction_type).id, note: -2 } } # schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error422' # run_test! # end end get 'financial transactions of the members ordergroup' do tags 'User', 'Financial Transaction' produces 'application/json' response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { meta: { type: :object, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/Meta' } }, financial_transaction: { type: :array, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/FinancialTransaction' } } } run_test! do |response| data = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(data['financial_transactions'].first['id']).to eq( end end # responses 401 & 403 it_handles_invalid_token_and_scope end end path '/user/financial_transactions/{id}' do get 'find financial transaction by id' do tags 'User', 'FinancialTransaction' produces 'application/json' parameter name: :id, in: :path, type: :string response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { financial_transaction: { type: :object, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/FinancialTransaction' } } } let(:id) { } run_test! do |response| data = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(data['financial_transaction']['id']).to eq( end end # 401 it_handles_invalid_token_with_id(:financial_transaction) # 403 it_handles_invalid_scope_with_id(:financial_transaction) # 404 response '404', 'financial transaction not found' do schema type: :object, properties: { financial_transaction: { type: :object, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/FinancialTransaction' } } } let(:id) { 'invalid' } run_test! end end end end