class BankTransaction < ApplicationRecord include LocalizeInput # @!attribute external_id # @return [String] Unique Identifier of the transaction within the bank account. # @!attribute date # @return [Date] Date of the transaction. # @!attribute amount # @return [Number] Amount credited. # @!attribute iban # @return [String] Internation Bank Account Number of the sending/receiving account. # @!attribute reference # @return [String] 140 character long reference field as defined by SEPA. # @!attribute text # @return [String] Short description of the transaction. # @!attribute receipt # @return [String] Optional additional more detailed description of the transaction. # @!attribute image # @return [Binary] Optional PNG image for e.g. scan of paper receipt. belongs_to :bank_account belongs_to :financial_link, optional: true belongs_to :supplier, optional: true, foreign_key: 'iban', primary_key: 'iban' belongs_to :user, optional: true, foreign_key: 'iban', primary_key: 'iban' validates_presence_of :date, :amount, :bank_account_id validates_numericality_of :amount scope :without_financial_link, -> { where(financial_link: nil) } # Replace numeric seperator with database format localize_input_of :amount def image_url 'data:image/png;base64,' + Base64.encode64(self.image) end def assign_to_invoice return false unless supplier content = text || "" content += "\n" + reference if reference.present? invoices = { |i| content.include? i.number } invoices_sum = return false if amount != -invoices_sum transaction do link = invoices.each { |i| i.update!(financial_link: link, paid_on: date) } update_attribute :financial_link, link end return true end def assign_to_ordergroup m = BankTransactionReference.parse(reference) return unless m return false if m[:parts].values.sum != amount group = Ordergroup.find_by_id(m[:group]) return false unless group usr = m[:user] ? User.find_by_id(m[:user]) : group.users.first return false unless usr transaction do note = "ID=#{id} (#{amount})" link = m[:parts].each do |short, value| ftt = FinancialTransactionType.find_by_name_short(short) return false unless ftt group.add_financial_transaction! value, note, usr, ftt, link if value > 0 end update_attribute :financial_link, link end return true end end