class OrderArticlesController < ApplicationController before_action :fetch_order, except: :destroy before_action :authenticate_finance_or_invoices, except: [:new, :create] before_action :authenticate_finance_orders_or_pickup, except: [:edit, :update, :destroy] layout false # We only use this controller to serve js snippets, no need for layout rendering def new @order_article =[:order_article]) end def create # The article may be ordered with zero units - in that case do not complain. # If order_article is ordered and a new order_article is created, an error message will be # given mentioning that the article already exists, which is desired. @order_article = @order.order_articles.where(:article_id => params[:order_article][:article_id]).first unless @order_article && @order_article.units_to_order == 0 @order_article =[:order_article]) end! rescue render action: :new end def edit @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:id]) end def update @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:id]) begin @order_article.update_article_and_price!(params[:order_article], params[:article], params[:article_price]) rescue render action: :edit end end def destroy @order_article = OrderArticle.find(params[:id]) # only destroy if there are no associated GroupOrders; if we would, the requested # quantity and tolerance would be gone. Instead of destroying, we set all result # quantities to zero. if @order_article.group_order_articles.count == 0 @order_article.destroy else @order_article.group_order_articles.each { |goa| goa.update_attribute(:result, 0) } @order_article.update_results! end end private def fetch_order @order = Order.find(params[:order_id]) end def authenticate_finance_orders_or_pickup return if current_user.role_finance? || current_user.role_orders? return if current_user.role_pickups? && !@order.nil? && @order.state == 'finished' deny_access end end