# encoding: utf-8 class StockArticle < Article acts_as_paranoid has_many :stock_changes scope :available, :conditions => "quantity > 0" before_destroy :check_quantity # Update the quantity of items in stock def update_quantity! update_attribute :quantity, stock_changes.collect(&:quantity).sum end # Check for unclosed orders and substract its ordered quantity def quantity_available quantity - OrderArticle.where(article_id: id). joins(:order).where("orders.state = 'open' OR orders.state = 'finished'").sum(:units_to_order) end def self.stock_value available.collect { |a| a.quantity * a.gross_price }.sum end protected def check_quantity raise "#{name} kann nicht gelöscht werden. Der Lagerbestand ist nicht null." unless quantity == 0 end # Overwrite Price history of Article. For StockArticles isn't it necessary. def update_price_history true end end