*GIT* (version numbers are overrated)

* (16 Jun 2008) Backwards Compatibility is overrated (big updates for rails 2.1)

  * Use ActiveRecord 2.1's dirty attribute checking instead [Asa Calow]
  * Remove last traces of #non_versioned_fields
  * Remove AR::Base.find_version and AR::Base.find_versions, rely on AR association proxies and named_scope
  * Remove #versions_count, rely on AR association counter caching.
  * Remove #versioned_attributes, basically the same as AR::Base.versioned_columns

* (5 Oct 2006) Allow customization of #versions association options [Dan Peterson]


* (8 Aug 2006) Versioned models now belong to the unversioned model.  @article_version.article.class => Article [Aslak Hellesoy]

*0.5* # do versions even matter for plugins?

* (21 Apr 2006) Added without_locking and without_revision methods.

  Foo.without_revision do
    @foo.update_attributes ...


* (28 March 2006) Rename non_versioned_fields to non_versioned_columns (old one is kept for compatibility).
* (28 March 2006) Made explicit documentation note that string column names are required for non_versioned_columns.


* (7 Jan 2006) explicitly set :foreign_key option for the versioned model's belongs_to assocation for STI [Caged]
* (7 Jan 2006) added tests to prove has_many :through joins work


* (2 Jan 2006) added ability to share a mixin with versioned class
* (2 Jan 2006) changed the dynamic version model to MyModel::Version


* (27 Nov 2005) added note about possible destructive behavior of if_changed? [Michael Schuerig]


* (12 Nov 2005) fixed bug with old behavior of #blank? [Michael Schuerig]
* (12 Nov 2005) updated tests to use ActiveRecord Schema


* (3 Nov 2005) added documentation note to #acts_as_versioned [Martin Jul]


* (6 Oct 2005) renamed dirty? to changed? to keep it uniform.  it was aliased to keep it backwards compatible.


* (6 Oct 2005)  added find_versions and find_version class methods.

* (6 Oct 2005)  removed transaction from create_versioned_table().  
  this way you can specify your own transaction around a group of operations.

* (30 Sep 2005) fixed bug where find_versions() would order by 'version' twice. (found by Joe Clark)

* (26 Sep 2005) added :sequence_name option to acts_as_versioned to set the sequence name on the versioned model

*0.1.3* (18 Sep 2005)

* First RubyForge release


* check if module is already included when acts_as_versioned is called


* Adding tests and rdocs


* Initial transfer from Rails ticket: http://dev.rubyonrails.com/ticket/1974