# encoding: utf-8 class PagesController < ApplicationController def index @page = Page.find_by_permalink "Home" if @page render :action => 'show' else redirect_to all_pages_path end end def show if params[:permalink] @page = Page.find_by_permalink(params[:permalink]) elsif params[:id] page = Page.find_by_id(params[:id]) if page.nil? flash[:error] = "Seite existiert nicht!" redirect_to all_pages_path and return else redirect_to wiki_page_path(page.permalink) and return end end if @page.nil? redirect_to new_page_path(:title => params[:permalink]) elsif @page.redirect? page = Page.find_by_id(@page.redirect) unless page.nil? flash[:notice] = "Weitergeleitet von #{@page.title} ..." redirect_to wiki_page_path(page.permalink) end end end def new @page = Page.new @page.title = params[:title].gsub("_", " ") if params[:title] @page.parent = Page.find_by_permalink(params[:parent]) if params[:parent] respond_to do |format| format.html # new.html.erb format.xml { render :xml => @page } end end def edit @page = Page.find(params[:id]) end def create @page = current_user.pages.build(params[:page]) if params[:preview] render :action => 'new' else if @page.save flash[:notice] = 'Seite wurde angelegt.' redirect_to(wiki_page_path(@page.permalink)) else render :action => "new" end end end def update @page = Page.find(params[:id]) @page.attributes = params[:page].merge({:user => current_user}) if params[:preview] @page.attributes = params[:page] render :action => 'edit' else if @page.save @page.parent_id = parent_id if (!params[:parent_id].blank? \ and params[:parent_id] != @page_id) flash[:notice] = 'Seite wurde aktualisiert.' redirect_to wiki_page_path(@page.permalink) else render :action => "edit" end end rescue ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError flash[:error] = "Achtung, die Seite wurde gerade von jemand anderes bearbeitet. Bitte versuche es erneut." redirect_to wiki_page_path(@page.permalink) end def destroy @page = Page.find(params[:id]) @page.destroy flash[:notice] = "Die Seite '#{@page.title}' und alle Unterseiten wurden erfolgreich gelöscht." redirect_to wiki_path end def all @pages = Page.non_redirected @partial = params[:view] || 'recent_changes' if params[:name] @pages = @pages.where("title LIKE ?", "%#{params[:name]}%").limit(20).order('updated_at DESC') @partial = 'title_list' else order = case @partial when 'recent_changes' then 'updated_at DESC' when 'site_map' then 'created_at DESC' when 'title_list' then 'title DESC' end @pages.order(order) end end def version @page = Page.find(params[:id]) @version = Page::Version.find_by_page_id_and_lock_version params[:id], params[:version] end def revert @page = Page.find(params[:id]) @page.revert_to!(params[:version].to_i) redirect_to wiki_page_path(@page.permalink) end end