class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include FoodcoopScope include Auth include Locale include PathHelper helper_method :current_user helper_method :available_locales protect_from_forgery before_action :authenticate, :set_user_last_activity, :store_controller, :items_per_page after_action :remove_controller around_action :set_time_zone, :set_currency # Returns the controller handling the current request. def self.current Thread.current[:application_controller] end private def set_user_last_activity if current_user && (session[:last_activity] == nil || session[:last_activity] < 1.minutes.ago) current_user.update_attribute(:last_activity, session[:last_activity] = end end # Many plugins can be turned on and off on the fly with a `use_` configuration option. # To disable a controller in the plugin, you can use this as a `before_action`: # # class MypluginController < ApplicationController # before_action -> { require_plugin_enabled FoodsoftMyplugin } # end # def require_plugin_enabled(plugin) redirect_to_root_with_feature_disabled_alert unless plugin.enabled? end def require_config_enabled(config) redirect_to_root_with_feature_disabled_alert unless FoodsoftConfig[config] end def require_config_disabled(config) redirect_to_root_with_feature_disabled_alert if FoodsoftConfig[config] end def redirect_to_root_with_feature_disabled_alert redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_feature_disabled') end # Stores this controller instance as a thread local varibale to be accessible from outside ActionController/ActionView. def store_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = self end # Sets the thread local variable that holds a reference to the current controller to nil. def remove_controller Thread.current[:application_controller] = nil end # Get supplier in nested resources def find_supplier @supplier = Supplier.find(params[:supplier_id]) if params[:supplier_id] end def items_per_page if params[:per_page] && params[:per_page].to_i > 0 && params[:per_page].to_i <= 500 @per_page = params[:per_page].to_i else @per_page = 20 end end # Set timezone according to foodcoop preference. # @see # @see def set_time_zone old_time_zone = = FoodsoftConfig[:time_zone] if FoodsoftConfig[:time_zone] yield ensure = old_time_zone end # Set currency according to foodcoop preference. # @see #set_time_zone def set_currency old_currency = ::I18n.t('number.currency.format.unit') new_currency = FoodsoftConfig[:currency_unit] || '' new_currency += "\u202f" if FoodsoftConfig[:currency_space] ::I18n.backend.store_translations(::I18n.locale, number: { currency: { format: { unit: new_currency } } }) yield ensure ::I18n.backend.store_translations(::I18n.locale, number: { currency: { format: { unit: old_currency } } }) end end