# Controller concern for authentication methods # # Split off from main +ApplicationController+ to allow e.g. # Doorkeeper to use it too. module Auth extend ActiveSupport::Concern protected def current_user # check if there is a valid session and return the logged-in user (its object) if session[:user_id] && params[:foodcoop] # for shared-host installations. check if the cookie-subdomain fits to request. @current_user ||= User.undeleted.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) if session[:scope] == FoodsoftConfig.scope end end def deny_access session[:return_to] = request.original_url redirect_to root_url, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_denied', sign_in: ActionController::Base.helpers.link_to(t('application.controller.error_denied_sign_in'), login_path)) end private def login(user) session[:user_id] = user.id session[:scope] = FoodsoftConfig.scope # Save scope in session to not allow switching between foodcoops with one account session[:locale] = user.locale end def login_and_redirect_to_return_to(user, *args) login user if session[:return_to].present? redirect_to_url = session[:return_to] session[:return_to] = nil else redirect_to_url = root_url end redirect_to redirect_to_url, *args end def logout session[:user_id] = nil session[:return_to] = nil expire_access_tokens end def authenticate(role = 'any') # Attempt to retrieve authenticated user from controller instance or session... if !current_user # No user at all: redirect to login page. logout session[:return_to] = request.original_url redirect_to_login :alert => I18n.t('application.controller.error_authn') else # We have an authenticated user, now check role... # Roles gets the user through his memberships. hasRole = case role when 'admin' then current_user.role_admin? when 'finance' then current_user.role_finance? when 'article_meta' then current_user.role_article_meta? when 'pickups' then current_user.role_pickups? when 'suppliers' then current_user.role_suppliers? when 'orders' then current_user.role_orders? when 'finance_or_invoices' then (current_user.role_finance? || current_user.role_invoices?) when 'finance_or_orders' then (current_user.role_finance? || current_user.role_orders?) when 'pickups_or_orders' then (current_user.role_pickups? || current_user.role_orders?) when 'any' then true # no role required else false # any unknown role will always fail end if hasRole current_user else deny_access end end end def authenticate_admin authenticate('admin') end def authenticate_finance authenticate('finance') end def authenticate_article_meta authenticate('article_meta') end def authenticate_pickups authenticate('pickups') end def authenticate_suppliers authenticate('suppliers') end def authenticate_orders authenticate('orders') end def authenticate_finance_or_invoices authenticate('finance_or_invoices') end def authenticate_finance_or_orders authenticate('finance_or_orders') end def authenticate_pickups_or_orders authenticate('pickups_or_orders') end # checks if the current_user is member of given group. # if fails the user will redirected to startpage def authenticate_membership_or_admin(group_id = params[:id]) @group = Group.find(group_id) unless @group.member?(@current_user) || @current_user.role_admin? redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_members_only') end end def authenticate_or_token(prefix, role = 'any') if not params[:token].blank? begin TokenVerifier.new(prefix).verify(params[:token]) rescue ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature redirect_to root_path, alert: I18n.t('application.controller.error_token') end else authenticate(role) end end # Expires any access tokens for the current user (unless they have the 'offline_access' scope) # @see https://github.com/doorkeeper-gem/doorkeeper/issues/71#issuecomment-5471317 def expire_access_tokens return unless @current_user Doorkeeper::AccessToken.transaction do token_scope = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.where(revoked_at: nil, resource_owner_id: @current_user.id) token_scope.each do |token| token.destroy! unless token.scopes.include?('offline_access') end end end # Redirect to the login page, used in authenticate, plugins can override this. def redirect_to_login(options = {}) redirect_to login_url, options end end