en: home: index: title: 'Homepage' your_tasks: 'Your tasks' due_date_format: '%A, %d. %b' tasks_move: title: 'take over tasks' desc: 'You are responsible for these tasks.' action: 'take over tasks/decline tasks' tasks_open: title: 'Open tasks' desc: 'There is/are %{size}' action: 'open task(s)' ordergroup: title: 'Engagement of your ordergroep' messages: title: 'Newest Messages' view_all: 'See all messages' my_ordergroup: title: 'My ordergroup' funds: '| Available Credit:' last_update: 'Last Update was %{when}' transactions: title: 'Last Transactions' when: 'When' where: 'Who' note: 'Note' amount: 'Amount' view: 'Show account statement' start_nav: title: 'Go directly to ...' foodcoop: 'Foodcoop' members: 'Members' tasks: 'My tasks' write_message: 'Write message' orders: title: 'Orders' overview: 'Overview of Orders' end: 'Close Orders' products: title: 'edit products' edit: 'update products' edit_stock: 'edit stock' edit_suppliers: 'edit suppliers' finances: title: 'finances' accounts: 'update accounts' settle: 'To account orders' admin: 'Administration' new_ordergroup: 'New ordergroup' new_user: 'New Member' apple_bar: points: 'Your up-to-date Applepointsbar: %{points}' desc: 'Displayed you find the proportion of executed tasks to the order volume of your ordergroup in comparison to the average of the Foodcoop. Practical: Per %{amount} of the sum of orders you should execute a task!' warning: 'Warning, if you have less then %{threshold} of appel points?, you are not allowed to order anymore/to place an order anymore!' ordergroup: title: 'My ordergroup' description: 'description' funds: 'Available credit?:' people: 'People' invite: 'Invite a new Person' account_summary: 'Account Statement' search: Search ... profile: title: 'My Profile' user: title: '%{user}' since: '(Member since: %{when})' save: 'Save' groups: title: 'You are member of the following groups' invite: 'Invite new members' cancel: 'Quit membership' cancel_confirm: 'Are you sure that you want to quit membership?' # used by controller changes_saved: 'Changes saved.' no_ordergroups: 'Sorry to say so but you are not a member of an ordergroup' ordergroup_cancelled: 'You quit membership of the group %{group}'