en: messages: index: title: 'Messages' new: 'New Messages' messages: reply: 'Replies' new: title: 'New Message' search_user: 'Search User' no_user_found: 'No User found' search: 'Search ...' list: desc: 'Messages to all please send via the mailing-list: %{list}' subscribe_msg: 'Eventually you will have to introduce yourself to the mailing-list first.' subscribe: 'Explanations about the mailing-list you can find here %{link}' wiki: 'Wiki (paragraph mailing-list)' mail: 'for example with an email to %{email}.' cancel: 'or cancel' show: title: 'Show message' from: 'From:' subject: 'Subject:' sent_on: 'Sent:' reply: 'Reply' all_messages: 'Overview of all messages' # used by controller create: notice: 'Message is saved and will be send.' # used by model model: reply_subject: 'Re: %{subject}' reply_header: '%{user} wrote on %{when}:' reply_indent: '> %{line}'