en: orders: articles: name: 'name' unit_quantity: 'unit quantity' prices: 'Netto/Brutto price' units_ordered: 'ordered units' units_full: 'full units' prices_sum: 'sum (netto/brutto price):' article_count: 'ordered articles:' edit: title: 'edit order' new: title: 'creat new order' form: title: 'article' name: 'name' note: 'notiz' stockit: 'in stock' origin: 'origin' supplier: 'supplier' unit_quantity: 'unit quantity' prices: 'prices (netto/FC)' ? select_all: 'select all' cancel: 'cancel' index: title: 'manage orders' new_order: 'creat new order' open_orders: 'current orders' supplier: 'supplier' ending: 'ending' note: 'note' action_end: 'closing' confirm_end: 'Do you really want to close the order %{order}? There is no going back' confirm_delete: 'Do you really want to delete the order?' no_open_orders: 'There are no current orders.' ended_orders: 'Closed orders' orders: supplier: 'supplier' start: 'start' ending: 'ending' status: 'status' show: title: 'order: %{name}' warn_not_closed: 'Attention, order is not accounted yet.' supplier: 'supplier:' note: 'note:' created_by: 'created by:' begin: 'begin:' ending: 'ending:' group_orders: 'group orders:' amounts: 'Netto/Brutto sum:' articles_ordered: 'ordered articles:' action_end: 'closing!' confirm_end: "Do you really want to close the order %{order}?\nThere is no going back." confirm_delete: 'Do you really want to delete the order?' articles: 'overview of articles' sort_group: 'sorted in groups' sort_article: 'sorted in articles' comments_link: 'comments' download: title: 'download' group_pdf: 'group PDF' article_pdf: 'article PDF' matrix_pdf: 'matrix PDF' fax_pdf: 'fax PDF' fax_txt: 'fax text' download_file: 'download file' comments: title: 'comments' # used by controller create: notice: 'The order was created.' update: notice: 'The order was updated.' finish: notice: 'The order has finished.' fax: heading: 'order for %{name}' customer_number: 'customer number' delivery_day: 'delivery day' to_address: 'shipping address' articles: 'articles' number: 'number' amount: 'amount' name: 'name'