# encoding: utf-8 class DeltaInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::StringInput # for now, need to pass id or it won't work def input @input_html_options[:data] ||= {} @input_html_options[:data][:delta] ||= 1 @input_html_options[:autocomplete] ||= 'off' # TODO get generated id, don't know how yet - `add_default_name_and_id_for_value` might be an option template.content_tag :div, class: 'delta-input input-prepend input-append' do delta_button('−', -1) + super + delta_button('+', 1) end end #template.button_tag('−', type: :submit, data: {decrement: @input_html_options[:id]}, tabindex: -1, class: 'btn') + private def delta_button(title, direction) data = { (direction>0 ? 'increment' : 'decrement') => @input_html_options[:id] } delta = direction * @input_html_options[:data][:delta] template.button_tag(title, type: :button, name: 'delta', value: delta, data: data, tabindex: -1, class: 'btn') end end