# A GroupOrderArticle stores the sum of how many items of an OrderArticle are ordered as part of a GroupOrder. # The chronologically order of the Ordergroup - activity are stored in GroupOrderArticleQuantity # class GroupOrderArticle < ApplicationRecord include LocalizeInput belongs_to :group_order belongs_to :order_article has_many :group_order_article_quantities, dependent: :destroy validates_presence_of :group_order, :order_article validates_uniqueness_of :order_article_id, :scope => :group_order_id # just once an article per group order validate :check_order_not_closed # don't allow changes to closed (aka settled) orders validates :quantity, :tolerance, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 } scope :ordered, -> { includes(:group_order => :ordergroup).order('groups.name') } localize_input_of :result def self.ransackable_attributes(auth_object = nil) %w(id quantity tolerance result) end def self.ransackable_associations(auth_object = nil) %w(order_article group_order) end # Setter used in group_order_article#new # We have to create an group_order, if the ordergroup wasn't involved in the order yet def ordergroup_id=(id) self.group_order = GroupOrder.where(order_id: order_article.order_id, ordergroup_id: id).first_or_initialize end def ordergroup_id group_order.try!(:ordergroup_id) end # Updates the quantity/tolerance for this GroupOrderArticle by updating both GroupOrderArticle properties # and the associated GroupOrderArticleQuantities chronologically. # # See description of the ordering algorithm in the general application documentation for details. def update_quantities(quantity, tolerance) logger.debug("GroupOrderArticle[#{id}].update_quantities(#{quantity}, #{tolerance})") logger.debug("Current quantity = #{self.quantity}, tolerance = #{self.tolerance}") # When quantity and tolerance are zero, we don't serve any purpose if quantity == 0 && tolerance == 0 logger.debug("Self-destructing since requested quantity and tolerance are zero") destroy! return end # Get quantities ordered with the newest item first. quantities = group_order_article_quantities.order('created_on DESC').to_a logger.debug("GroupOrderArticleQuantity items found: #{quantities.size}") if (quantities.size == 0) # There is no GroupOrderArticleQuantity item yet, just insert with desired quantities... logger.debug("No quantities entry at all, inserting a new one with the desired quantities") quantities.push(GroupOrderArticleQuantity.new(:group_order_article => self, :quantity => quantity, :tolerance => tolerance)) self.quantity, self.tolerance = quantity, tolerance else # Decrease quantity/tolerance if necessary by going through the existing items and decreasing their values... i = 0 while (i < quantities.size && (quantity < self.quantity || tolerance < self.tolerance)) logger.debug("Need to decrease quantities for GroupOrderArticleQuantity[#{quantities[i].id}]") if (quantity < self.quantity && quantities[i].quantity > 0) delta = self.quantity - quantity delta = (delta > quantities[i].quantity ? quantities[i].quantity : delta) logger.debug("Decreasing quantity by #{delta}") quantities[i].quantity -= delta self.quantity -= delta end if (tolerance < self.tolerance && quantities[i].tolerance > 0) delta = self.tolerance - tolerance delta = (delta > quantities[i].tolerance ? quantities[i].tolerance : delta) logger.debug("Decreasing tolerance by #{delta}") quantities[i].tolerance -= delta self.tolerance -= delta end i += 1 end # If there is at least one increased value: insert a new GroupOrderArticleQuantity object if (quantity > self.quantity || tolerance > self.tolerance) logger.debug("Inserting a new GroupOrderArticleQuantity") quantities.insert(0, GroupOrderArticleQuantity.new( :group_order_article => self, :quantity => (quantity > self.quantity ? quantity - self.quantity : 0), :tolerance => (tolerance > self.tolerance ? tolerance - self.tolerance : 0) )) # Recalc totals: self.quantity += quantities[0].quantity self.tolerance += quantities[0].tolerance end end # Check if something went terribly wrong and quantites have not been adjusted as desired. if (self.quantity != quantity || self.tolerance != tolerance) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved.new('Unable to update GroupOrderArticle/-Quantities to desired quantities!', self) end # Remove zero-only items. quantities = quantities.reject { |q| q.quantity == 0 && q.tolerance == 0 } # Save transaction do quantities.each { |i| i.save! } self.group_order_article_quantities = quantities save! end end # Determines how many items of this article the Ordergroup receives. # Returns a hash with three keys: :quantity / :tolerance / :total # # See description of the ordering algorithm in the general application documentation for details. def calculate_result(total = nil) # return memoized result unless a total is given return @calculate_result if total.nil? && !@calculate_result.nil? quantity = tolerance = total_quantity = 0 # Get total if not total.nil? logger.debug "<#{order_article.article.name}> => #{total} (given)" elsif order_article.article.is_a?(StockArticle) total = order_article.article.quantity logger.debug "<#{order_article.article.name}> (stock) => #{total}" else total = order_article.units_to_order * order_article.price.unit_quantity logger.debug "<#{order_article.article.name}> units_to_order #{order_article.units_to_order} => #{total}" end if total > 0 # In total there are enough units ordered. Now check the individual result for the ordergroup (group_order). # # Get all GroupOrderArticleQuantities for this OrderArticle... order_quantities = GroupOrderArticleQuantity.where(group_order_article_id: order_article.group_order_article_ids).order('created_on') logger.debug "GroupOrderArticleQuantity records found: #{order_quantities.size}" first_order_first_serve = (FoodsoftConfig[:distribution_strategy] == FoodsoftConfig::DistributionStrategy::FIRST_ORDER_FIRST_SERVE) # Determine quantities to be ordered... order_quantities.each do |goaq| q = goaq.quantity q = [q, total - total_quantity].min if first_order_first_serve total_quantity += q if goaq.group_order_article_id == self.id logger.debug "increasing quantity by #{q}" quantity += q end break if total_quantity >= total && first_order_first_serve end # Determine tolerance to be ordered... if total_quantity < total logger.debug "determining additional items to be ordered from tolerance" order_quantities.each do |goaq| q = [goaq.tolerance, total - total_quantity].min total_quantity += q if goaq.group_order_article_id == self.id logger.debug "increasing tolerance by #{q}" tolerance += q end break if total_quantity >= total end end logger.debug "determined quantity/tolerance/total: #{quantity} / #{tolerance} / #{quantity + tolerance}" end # memoize result unless a total is given r = { :quantity => quantity, :tolerance => tolerance, :total => quantity + tolerance } @calculate_result = r if total.nil? r end # Returns order result, # either calcualted on the fly or fetched from result attribute # Result is set when finishing the order. def result(type = :total) self[:result] || calculate_result[type] end # This is used for automatic distribution, e.g., in order.finish! or when receiving orders def save_results!(article_total = nil) new_result = calculate_result(article_total)[:total] self.update_attribute(:result_computed, new_result) self.update_attribute(:result, new_result) end # Returns total price for this individual article # Until the order is finished this will be the maximum price or # the minimum price depending on configuration. When the order is finished it # will be the value depending of the article results. def total_price(order_article = self.order_article) if order_article.order.open? if FoodsoftConfig[:tolerance_is_costly] order_article.article.fc_price * (quantity + tolerance) else order_article.article.fc_price * quantity end else order_article.price.fc_price * result end end # Check if the result deviates from the result_computed def result_manually_changed? result != result_computed unless result.nil? end private def check_order_not_closed if order_article.order.closed? errors.add(:order_article, I18n.t('model.group_order_article.order_closed')) end end end