require 'swagger_helper' describe 'User', type: :request do include ApiHelper let(:api_scopes) { ['group_orders:user'] } let(:user) { create :user, groups: [create(:ordergroup)] } let(:other_user2) { create :user } let(:order) { create(:order, article_count: 4) } let(:order_articles) { order.order_articles } let(:group_order) { create :group_order, ordergroup: user.ordergroup, order_id: } let(:goa) { create :group_order_article, group_order: group_order, order_article: order_articles.first } before do goa end path '/user/group_order_articles' do get 'group order articles' do tags 'User', 'Order' produces 'application/json' pagination_param q_ordered_url_param response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { meta: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/Meta' }, group_order_article: { type: :array, items: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' } } } run_test! do |response| data = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(data['group_order_articles'].first['id']).to eq( end end it_handles_invalid_token it_handles_invalid_scope 'user has no ordergroup or missing scope' end post 'create new group order article' do tags 'User', 'Order' consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/json' parameter name: :group_order_article, in: :body, description: 'group order article to create', required: true, schema: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticleForCreate' } let(:group_order_article) { { order_article_id:, quantity: 1, tolerance: 2 } } response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { group_order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' }, order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/OrderArticle' } } run_test! end it_handles_invalid_token_with_id it_handles_invalid_scope_with_id 'user has no ordergroup, order not open, is below minimum balance, has not enough apple points, or missing scope' response '404', 'order article not found in open orders' do let(:group_order_article) { { order_article_id: 'invalid', quantity: 1, tolerance: 2 } } schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error404' run_test! end response '422', 'invalid parameter value or group order article already exists' do let(:group_order_article) { { order_article_id: goa.order_article_id, quantity: 1, tolerance: 2 } } schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error422' run_test! end end end path '/user/group_order_articles/{id}' do get 'find group order article by id' do tags 'User', 'Order' produces 'application/json' id_url_param response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { group_order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' }, order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/OrderArticle' } } let(:id) { } run_test! do |response| data = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(data['group_order_article']['id']).to eq( end end it_handles_invalid_scope_with_id it_handles_invalid_token_with_id it_cannot_find_object 'group order article not found' end patch 'update a group order article (but delete if quantity and tolerance are zero)' do tags 'User', 'Order' consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/json' id_url_param parameter name: :group_order_article, in: :body, description: 'group order article update', required: true, schema: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticleForUpdate' } let(:id) { } let(:group_order_article) { { order_article_id: goa.order_article_id, quantity: 2, tolerance: 2 } } response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { group_order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' } } run_test! end response 401, 'not logged-in' do schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error401' let(:Authorization) { 'abc' } run_test! end response 403, 'user has no ordergroup, order not open, is below minimum balance, has not enough apple points, or missing scope' do let(:api_scopes) { ['none'] } schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error403' run_test! end response '404', 'order article not found in open orders' do schema type: :object, properties: { group_order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' } } let(:id) { 'invalid' } run_test! end response '422', 'invalid parameter value' do let(:group_order_article) { { order_article_id: 'invalid', quantity: -5, tolerance: 'invalid' } } schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error422' run_test! end end delete 'remove group order article' do tags 'User', 'Order' consumes 'application/json' produces 'application/json' id_url_param let(:api_scopes) { ['group_orders:user'] } response '200', 'success' do schema type: :object, properties: { group_order_article: { '$ref': '#/components/schemas/GroupOrderArticle' } } let(:id) { } run_test! end it_handles_invalid_token_with_id response 403, 'user has no ordergroup, order not open, is below minimum balance, has not enough apple points, or missing scope' do let(:api_scopes) { ['none'] } schema '$ref' => '#/components/schemas/Error403' run_test! end it_cannot_find_object 'order article not found in open orders' end end end