# == Schema Information # Schema version: 20090120184410 # # Table name: groups # # id :integer(4) not null, primary key # type :string(255) default(""), not null # name :string(255) default(""), not null # description :string(255) # actual_size :integer(4) # account_balance :decimal(8, 2) default(0.0), not null # account_updated :datetime # created_on :datetime not null # role_admin :boolean(1) not null # role_suppliers :boolean(1) not null # role_article_meta :boolean(1) not null # role_finance :boolean(1) not null # role_orders :boolean(1) not null # weekly_task :boolean(1) # weekday :integer(4) # task_name :string(255) # task_description :string(255) # task_required_users :integer(4) default(1) # deleted_at :datetime # # Ordergroups can order, they are "children" of the class Group # # Ordergroup have the following attributes, in addition to Group # * account_balance (decimal) # * account_updated (datetime) # * actual_size (int) : how many persons are ordering through the Ordergroup class Ordergroup < Group acts_as_paranoid # Avoid deleting the ordergroup for consistency of order-results extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable # Ability to cache method results. Use memoize :expensive_method has_many :financial_transactions has_many :group_orders has_many :orders, :through => :group_orders validates_inclusion_of :actual_size, :in => 1..99 validates_numericality_of :account_balance, :message => 'ist keine gültige Zahl' attr_accessible :actual_size, :account_updated def non_members User.all(:order => 'nick').reject { |u| (users.include?(u) || u.ordergroup) } end def value_of_open_orders(exclude = nil) group_orders.open.reject{|go| go == exclude}.collect(&:price).sum end def value_of_finished_orders(exclude = nil) group_orders.finished.reject{|go| go == exclude}.collect(&:price).sum end # Returns the available funds for this order group (the account_balance minus price of all non-closed GroupOrders of this group). # * exclude (GroupOrder): exclude this GroupOrder from the calculation def get_available_funds(exclude = nil) account_balance - value_of_open_orders(exclude) - value_of_finished_orders(exclude) end memoize :get_available_funds # Creates a new FinancialTransaction for this Ordergroup and updates the account_balance accordingly. # Throws an exception if it fails. def addFinancialTransaction(amount, note, user) transaction do trans = FinancialTransaction.new(:ordergroup => self, :amount => amount, :note => note, :user => user) trans.save! self.account_balance += trans.amount self.account_updated = trans.created_on save! notifyNegativeBalance(trans) end end # Returns all GroupOrders by this group that are currently running. def findCurrent group_orders.find(:all, :conditions => ["orders.finished = ? AND orders.starts < ? AND (orders.ends IS NULL OR orders.ends > ?)", false, Time.now, Time.now], :include => :order) end #find expired (lapsed) but not manually finished orders def findExpiredOrders group_orders.find(:all, :conditions => ["orders.ends < ?", Time.now], :include => :order, :order => 'orders.ends DESC') end # Returns all GroupOrderResults by this group that are finished but not booked yet. def findFinishedNotBooked GroupOrderResult.find(:all, :conditions => ["group_order_results.group_name = ? AND group_order_results.order_id = orders.id AND orders.finished = ? AND orders.booked = ? ", self.name, true, false], :include => :order, :order => 'orders.ends DESC') end # Returns all GroupOrderResults for booked orders def findBookedOrders(limit = false, offset = 0) GroupOrderResult.find(:all, :conditions => ["group_order_results.group_name = ? AND group_order_results.order_id = orders.id AND orders.finished = ? AND orders.booked = ? ", self.name, true, true], :include => :order, :order => "orders.ends DESC", :limit => limit, :offset => offset) end private # If this order group's account balance is made negative by the given/last transaction, # a message is sent to all users who have enabled notification. def notifyNegativeBalance(transaction) # Notify only when order group had a positive balance before the last transaction: if (transaction.amount < 0 && self.account_balance < 0 && self.account_balance - transaction.amount >= 0) users = self.users.reject { |u| u.settings["notify.negativeBalance"] != '1' } unless users.empty? Message.from_template( 'negative_balance', {:group => self, :transaction => transaction}, {:recipients_ids => users.collect(&:id), :subject => "Gruppenkonto im Minus"} ).save! end end end end