module Admin::ConfigsHelper # Returns form input for configuration key. # For configuration keys that contain a {Hash}, {ActiveView::Helpers::FormBuilder#fields_for fields_for} can be used. # When the key is not {FoodsoftConfig#allowed_key? allowed}, +nil+ is returned. # @param form [ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder] Form object. # @param key [Symbol, String] Configuration key. # @param options [Hash] Options passed to the form builder. # @option options [Boolean] :required Wether field is shown as required (default not). # @return [String] Form input for configuration key. # @todo find way to pass current value to time_zone input without using default def config_input(form, key, options = {}, &block) return unless @cfg.allowed_key? key options[:label] = config_input_label(form, key) options[:required] ||= false options[:input_html] ||= {} config_input_field_options form, key, options[:input_html] config_input_tooltip_options form, key, options[:input_html] if options[:as] == :boolean options[:input_html][:checked] = 'checked' if options[:input_html].delete(:value) options[:checked_value] = 'true' if options[:checked_value].nil? options[:unchecked_value] = 'false' if options[:unchecked_value].nil? elsif options[:collection] or options[:as] == :select options[:selected] = options[:input_html].delete(:value) return form.input key, options, &block elsif options[:as] == :time_zone options[:default] = options[:input_html].delete(:value) return form.input key, options, &block end form.input key, options, &block end # @return [String] Label name in form for configuration key. # @param form [ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder] Form object. # @param key [Symbol, String] Configuration key. # @see #config_input def config_input_label(form, key) cfg_path = form.lookup_model_names[1..-1] + [key] I18n.t("config.keys.#{'.')}") end # @return [String] Form input field for configuration key. # @see config_input # @option options [String] :checked_value Value for boolean when checked (default +true+) # @option options [String] :unchecked_value Value for boolean when not checked (default +false+) # @todo find out how to pass +checked_value+ and +unchecked_value+ to +input_field+ def config_input_field(form, key, options = {}) return unless @cfg.allowed_key? :key options[:required] ||= false config_input_field_options form, key, options config_input_tooltip_options form, key, options if options[:as] == :boolean checked_value = options.delete(:checked_value) || 'true' unchecked_value = options.delete(:unchecked_value) || 'false' options[:checked] = 'checked' if options.delete(:value) form.hidden_field(key, value: unchecked_value, as: :hidden) + form.check_box(key, options, checked_value, false) else form.input_field key, options end end # @return [String] Form heading with checkbox with block passed in expandable +fieldset+. # @param form [ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder] Form object. # @param key [Symbol, String] Configuration key of a boolean (e.g. +use_messages+). # @option options [String] :label Label to show def config_use_heading(form, key, options = {}) head = content_tag :label do lbl = options[:label] || config_input_label(form, key) field = config_input_field(form, key, as: :boolean, boolean_style: :inline, data: {toggle: 'collapse', target: "##{key}-fields"}) content_tag :h4 do # put in span to keep space for tooltip at right content_tag :span, (lbl + field).html_safe, config_input_tooltip_options(form, key, {}) end end fields = content_tag(:fieldset, id: "#{key}-fields", class: "collapse#{' in' if @cfg[key]}") do yield end head + fields end # Returns configuration value suitable for rendering in HTML. # Makes keys different from +app_config.yml+ configuration bold, # protects sensitive values like keys and passwords, and makes # links from URLs. # @param key [String] Configuration key # @param value [String] Configuration value # @return [String] Configuration value suitable for rendering in HTML. def show_config_value(key, value) if key =~ /passw|secr|key/ '(protected)' elsif value.is_a? Hash content_tag :ul do do |k,v| content_tag :li, content_tag(:tt, "#{k}: ") + show_config_value(k, v).to_s end.join.html_safe end elsif value.is_a? Enumerable content_tag :ul, {|v| content_tag :li, h(v)}.join.html_safe elsif key =~ /url|website|www|homepage/ link_to(value, value).html_safe else value end end private def config_input_tooltip_options(form, key, options) # tooltip with help info to the right cfg_path = form.lookup_model_names[1..-1] + [key] tooltip = I18n.t("config.hints.#{'.')}", default: '') unless tooltip.blank? options[:data] ||= {} options[:data][:toggle] ||= 'tooltip' options[:data][:placement] ||= 'right' options[:title] ||= tooltip end options end def config_input_field_options(form, key, options) cfg_path = form.lookup_model_names[1..-1] + [key] # set current value value = @cfg cfg_path.each {|n| value = value[n] unless value.nil? } options[:value] ||= value options end end