module ApiHelper extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:api_scopes) { [] } # empty scopes for stricter testing (in reality this would be default_scopes) let(:api_access_token) { create(:oauth2_access_token, resource_owner_id:, scopes: api_scopes&.join(' ')).token } let(:Authorization) { "Bearer #{api_access_token}" } # TODO: not needed anymore? def self.it_handles_invalid_token() context 'with invalid access token' do let(:Authorization) { 'abc' } response 401, 'not logged-in' do run_test! end end end def self.it_handles_invalid_scope() context 'with invalid scope' do let(:api_scopes) { ['none'] } response 403, 'missing scope' do run_test! end end end def self.it_handles_invalid_token_and_scope(*args) it_handles_invalid_token(*args) it_handles_invalid_scope(*args) end end # Add authentication to parameters for {Swagger::RspecHelpers#validate} # @param params [Hash] Query parameters # @return Query parameters with authentication header # @see Swagger::RspecHelpers#validate # def api_auth(params = {}) # { '_headers' => { 'Authorization' => api_authorization } }.deep_merge(params) # end # TODO: not needed anymore end