// colors which are used in the foodsoft $main_red: #ED0606 $hover_yellow: #ffff72 $boxContent: #e4eed6 $lightGrey: #efefef $darkGreen: #78b74e $lightGreen: #e4eed6 // General rules ... body :background-color #fff :color black :margin 0 :padding 1% 0 0 0 :min-width 990px :font-size 62.5% :font-family verdana, arial, sans-serif #loader :position fixed :top 1px :right 1px :background #FFF :padding 10px :color black :border :width 2px :style solid color: $main_red a, a:visited :text-decoration underline :color black a:hover color: $main_red h1, h2 color: $main_red h1 :font-size 2.2em :line-height 0.8em :padding 1em 0 5px 5% :margin 0 0 1em 0 :border-bottom :width 1px :style dotted color: $main_red h2 :font-size 1.4em :margin-top .5em h3 :font-size 1em :margin-top 1.5em input :color #2e2e2e abbr, acronym :cursor help input, textarea, select border: 1px solid #D7D7D7 font-family: verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif font-size: 0.9em padding-left: .2em padding-right: .2em input:focus, textarea:focus, select:focus border-color: #000 input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="reset"] background: #EEEEEE none repeat scroll 0% border: 1px outset #CCCCCC color: #222222 padding: 0.1em 0.5em font-size: 1em font-weight: bold min-width: 34px select max-width: 15em option border-top: 1px solid #D7D7D7 margin: .2em 0 .click-me cursor: pointer .left float: left .right float: right .clear clear: both .description color: grey font-size: 0.9em .hidden display: none .warning background: yellow font-weight: bold padding: 1px 10px // ********************************* loginpage #login :margin auto :width 35em :font-size 1.2em #login #meta :margin-top 2em :padding-top .3em :border-top 1px dotted #ED0606 :color #2e2e2e // ******************************** - Logo - head #header :margin 0 :padding 0 #logo background: $main_red :height 1.1em :width 8em :padding 0 20px :text-align left :line-height 54px :font-size 54px :overflow hidden :letter-spacing -3px :margin 0 a, a:hover :color white background-color: $main_red :text-decoration none a span color: $main_red :background #FFF :padding-right 0.1em :font-weight bold :border-top :width 2px :style dotted color: $main_red #logininfo :position absolute :top 3px :right 10px :font-size 1em ul :list-style none li :margin 0 0 0 5px :float left a :color #737272 :font-weight bold a:hover color: $main_red // ************************************* box structure #main :background #FFF :padding 0 :margin 0 15px 0 15px // ************************************* infobar #infobar :width 10% :min-width 5em :float right :padding 2.6em 1em :margin 3em 0 0 0 :border-left 1px dotted #ED0606 :font-size 1.2em h3 :color #ED0606 ul :list-style none li :margin .3em 0 0 -3em // ************************************ embedded menu .menu, #start_nav :border 2px solid #e3e3e3 :background #f5f5f5 :padding 0 10px 0px 5px :float left ul :list-style-type none :margin 0 0 0.2em 0 :padding 0 li :border-bottom 1px solid #dedede :color #666 :margin 0.8em 0 0 0 :font-weight bold a:link, a:visited :display block :padding 0.25em 1em :text-decoration none :width 12em a:hover, a:focus :background-color #e3e3e3 ul :margin 0 :padding 0 li :border-top 1px solid #dedede :border-bottom none :margin 0 :font-weight normal a:link, a:visited :width 11.5em :padding 0 1em 0.1em 1.5em :font-weight normal :text-decoration none .menu :position absolute :top 100px :right 1px // ************************************** content #content :padding .5em 0 2.5em 0 :margin 0 :background #FFF :font-size 1.3em :width 100% :float left /************************************ tables table :border-collapse collapse // border2px solid #e3e3e3 :text-align left :width 100% :margin 0 thead th, tbody td, th, td :padding 0.3em thead tr :background-color #efefef th :color black tr.odd, tr.even :border-top 1px solid #DDDDDD tr.odd, tr.odd input :background-color #F6F6F6 tr.even :background-color #FBFBFB tr.unavailable, tr.unavailable a :color grey tr.unavailable a:hover :color #ED0606 tr.just_updated :color #008000 tr.selected, tr.active :background-color #ffffc2 tr.ignored color: grey tr.success color: green tr.failed color: red table.list //:border 2px solid #78b74e tr :border 1px solid #e3e3e3 tbody tr:hover :background-color #EEEEDD table tfoot tr :background-color #fff td :padding-top 0.8em tr.edit_inline background-color: $hover_yellow td, span :padding 0.5em 0.2em div.legend, div.legend table th :color grey :font-size .8em :background none form table :border none table.ordered_articles :background-color #fff tbody tr:hover :background-color #EEEEDD a :display block tr.results:hover :background-color none table tfoot :font-weight bold td.currency, td.actions :text-align right :padding-right 0.5em td.closed background: image-url('arrow_right_red.png') no-repeat center left a display: block text-decoration: none padding-left: 20px td.open background: image-url('arrow_down_red.png') no-repeat center left // ************************************* for edit formulars div.edit_form :border 2px solid #e3e3e3 :background #f5f5f5 :padding 0 0.8em 0.8em 0.8em :margin 5px 0 :color black #edit_article, #edit_box, #ajax_box :position fixed :top 5em :left 10em :width 55em :background #FBFBFB :padding 3em :padding-top 1em :border :width 3px :style solid color: $main_red // ***************************************** other boxes */ // *********boxes in columns ****/ div.box :border-left 2px solid #78b74e :padding-left 5px div.single_column :width 100% div.left_column :width 40% :float left div.middle_column :width 40% :margin-left 10px :float left div.right_column :margin-bottom 3em :width 55% :float right // *********** content of boxes ******/ div.box_title :background #78b74e :padding 5px 10px h2, h2 a :color #FFF :margin 0 h2 :font-size 1.3em div.column_content background: $boxContent :color black :padding 10px margin-bottom: 2em h2 :color black :font-size 1.3em :margin 1em 0 0 0 #links :float right // for special pages // index-page // * article show tr.current_price :background #cdee9e // **** maybe later for the very little spinner li.check div.spinner :display block :height 5px :width 21px :background-image image-url('dots-white.gif') :line-height 16px :float left :margin-right 5px :background-position center center :background-repeat no-repeat // ************************************* the order page */ span.used, span.unused :font-weight bold span.used :color #008000 span.unused :color #ed0606 span.total :font-size 80% table#order :text-align center input font-size: 0.9em font-weight: bolder background-color: #78B74E color: #fff -moz-border-radius: 3px -webkit-border-radius: 3px padding: 0 th#col_required, th#col_tolerance :width 145px th#col_packages, th#col_left_units :width 50px td.quantity, td.tolerance text-align: right td#col_left_units :color #ed0606 td :padding 0.6em td.name :text-align left :padding-left 10px tfoot tr background-color: $lightGreen td :padding-right 10px #order-footer, .article-info text-align: left z-index: 1 position: fixed bottom: 0 background-color: #E4EED6 border-top: 2px solid #78B74E //opacity: 0.95 #total-sum width: 22em margin: .5em 2em 0 0 float: right #order-button margin: .5em 0 input background-color: #78B74E color: #fff -moz-border-radius: 3px -webkit-border-radius: 3px input:disabled background-color: red #order-footer width: 100% right: 0 left: 0 .article-info z-index: 2 width: 45em height: 8em border: none left: 30px h3 text-align: center margin: 0 margin-bottom: 5px width: 100% .right width: 35% .left width: 60% tr.order-article .article-info display: none tr.order-article:hover .article-info display: block // ********* Comments #newComment :margin 1em .comment :border-bottom 1px dotted black :padding .5em 0 1em .5em .timestamp :font-size 0.8em :color grey // *************** Clearing Order Page .. #editOrderNav a :color #fff :font-weight bold ul :margin 0 :padding 0 li :display inline :list-style none :margin-right 1em // *************** Tasks ... .accepted color: green font-weight: bold .done, .done a, .done .accepted color: grey font-weight: normal // ************** auto_complete ul.autocomplete .nick, .informal margin: auto .nick font-weight: bold .informal color: grey margin-left: 1em // ******* to navigate easy to the next element, e.g. next order #element_navigation position: relative top: -1em left: 5% // group stats .stats-bar height: 20px min-width: 10px border: 1px solid #DDDDDD background-color: #fff text-align: center margin: 0 10px 10px 0 // *** wiki #wiki_content border-style: none color: black line-height: 1.5em .wiki_show, .wiki_version, .wiki_new, .wiki_edit, .wiki_all margin-top: 30px padding: 10px h1 padding-left: 0 padding-top: 10px border-bottom: :style solid .column_content margin-bottom: 0 #wiki_content min-height: 400px span.editsection display: none h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 background: transparent none repeat scroll 0 0 border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA padding-bottom: 0,17em padding-top: 0,5em font-weight: normal font-size: 150% color: black h3, h4, h5, h6 border-bottom: medium none font-weight: bold h3 font-size: 132% h4 font-size: 116% ul line-height: 1.5em margin: 0.3em 0 0 1.5em padding: 0 ol line-height: 1.5em margin: 0.3em 0 0 3.2em padding: 0 list-style-image: none li margin-bottom: 0.1em a.new_wiki_link color: grey #preview border: 1px dotted grey padding: 0 1em #wikitoc padding: 5px margin-bottom: 2em width: 25em border: 1px solid grey background-color: $lightGrey h2 font-size: 1em color: black span a font-size: 0.5em color: grey #breadcrump font-size: 0.5em margin-bottom: 5px height: 1em color: #ED0606 a color: $main_red text-decoration: none a:hover text-decoration: underline #sidebar float: right width: 290px #sidebar-links margin-bottom: 18px text-align: right #subpages border: 1px solid #78b74e margin-top: 10px padding: 0 0 0 0 #versions margin-top: 10px border: 1px solid #78b74e #wiki-syntax-help float: right table border-color: #78b74e .wiki_version #sidebar margin-top: -23px border: 1px solid #78b74e