Usually the Foodcoop's website and the help pages are external resources. If they load in the same window one could forget to logout from the Foodsoft.
55 lines
1.9 KiB
55 lines
1.9 KiB
= render layout: 'layouts/header' do
= t('layouts.logo').html_safe
%a.dropdown-toggle(data-toggle="dropdown" href="#")
= show_user current_user
%li= link_to t('.profile'), my_profile_path
%li= link_to t('.ordergroup'), my_ordergroup_path
- if BankAccount.any? && FinancialTransactionType.with_name_short.any?
%li= link_to t('.reference_calculator'), home_reference_calculator_path
%li= link_to t('.logout'), logout_path
%li{class: ('disabled' if FoodsoftConfig[:homepage].blank?)}
= link_to FoodsoftConfig[:name], FoodsoftConfig[:homepage], target: '_blank'
- if FoodsoftConfig[:help_url]
%li= link_to t('.help'), FoodsoftConfig[:help_url], target: '_blank'
%li= link_to t('.feedback.title'), new_feedback_path, title: t('.feedback.desc')
%a.btn.btn-navbar(data-target=".nav-collapse" data-toggle="collapse")
= render_navigation expand_all: true, renderer: :bootstrap
- if content_for?(:sidebar)
= yield(:sidebar)
= bootstrap_flash_patched
- if content_for?(:actionbar)
.btn-toolbar.pull-right= yield(:actionbar)
- if show_title?
%h1= yield(:title)
= yield
- else
= bootstrap_flash_patched
- if content_for?(:actionbar)
.btn-toolbar.pull-right= yield(:actionbar)
- if show_title?
%h1= yield(:title)
= yield
= render 'layouts/footer'
#modalContainer.modal.hide.fade(tabindex="-1" role="dialog")