Some foodcoops do not use the accounting feature of the foodsoft, which results in wrong calculation of the available credit. To avoid confusions show the current account balance instead.
81 lines
3 KiB
81 lines
3 KiB
- content_for :javascript do
$(function() {
// Subscribe to database changes.
// See publish/subscribe design pattern in /doc.
$(document).on('OrderArticle#update GroupOrderArticle#create GroupOrderArticle#update', function(e) {
url: '#{new_on_order_article_update_finance_order_path(@order)}',
type: 'get',
data: {order_article_id: e.order_article_id},
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
$(document).on('OrderArticle#create', function(e) {
url: '#{new_on_order_article_create_finance_order_path(@order)}',
type: 'get',
data: {order_article_id: e.order_article_id},
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
= render 'shared/articles_by/common', order: @order
- title t('.title', name:
- content_for :sidebar do
%h3= t('.summary')
#summary= render 'summary', order: @order
%h3= t('.invoice')
#invoice= render 'invoice', invoice: @order.invoice
%h3= t('.notes_and_journal')
- unless @order.note.blank?
= simple_format @order.note
- else
%p= t('.comment_on_transaction')
= link_to t('.edit_note'), edit_note_finance_order_path(@order), remote: true
%h3= t('.comments')
#comments= render :partial => 'shared/comments', locals: {comments: @order.comments.includes(:user)}
- content_for :actionbar do
- unless @order.invoice or @order.stockit?
= link_to t('.create_invoice'), new_finance_invoice_path(:order_id => @order, :supplier_id => @order.supplier),
class: 'btn'
- unless @order.closed?
- if FoodsoftConfig[:charge_members_manually]
= link_to t('.confirm_order'), close_direct_finance_order_path(@order), class: 'btn btn-primary', method: :patch
- else
= link_to t('.confirm_order'), confirm_finance_order_path(@order), class: 'btn btn-primary'
= link_to '#', data: {toggle: 'dropdown'}, class: 'btn dropdown-toggle' do
%li= link_to t('.confirm_order'), confirm_finance_order_path(@order)
%li= link_to t('.close_direct'), close_direct_finance_order_path(@order), method: :patch,
data: {confirm: t('.close_direct_confirm')}
= link_to '#', data: {toggle: 'dropdown'}, class: 'btn dropdown-toggle' do
= t('.view_options')
%li= link_to t('.edit_order'), new_finance_order_path(order_id:, view: 'edit_results'),
remote: true
%li= link_to t('.groups_overview'), new_finance_order_path(order_id:, view: 'groups_overview'),
remote: true
%li= link_to t('.articles_overview'), new_finance_order_path(order_id:, view: 'articles_overview'),
remote: true
= render 'edit_results_by_articles'
%p= link_to_top