This aligns it with column names of StockTaking and us to use inheritance in a next step to share common code between the entities.
92 lines
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92 lines
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- title
- content_for :actionbar do
= link_to t('suppliers.index.articles', count: @supplier.articles.undeleted.count), supplier_articles_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
- if @supplier.stock_articles.undeleted.any?
= link_to t('suppliers.index.stock', count: @supplier.stock_articles.undeleted.count), stock_articles_path, class: 'btn'
- if shared_supplier = @supplier.shared_supplier
= t 'suppliers.shared_supplier_note'
= t "suppliers.shared_supplier_methods.#{@supplier.shared_sync_method}"
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :address) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.address
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :phone) + ':'
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :phone2) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.phone2
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :fax) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.fax
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :email) + ':'
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :url) + ':'
%dd= link_to @supplier.url, @supplier.url
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :contact_person) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.contact_person
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :customer_number) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.customer_number
- if SupplierCategory.count > 1
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :supplier_category) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.supplier_category.try(:name)
- if FoodsoftConfig[:use_iban]
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :iban) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.iban
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :delivery_days) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.delivery_days
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :order_howto) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.order_howto
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :note) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.note
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :min_order_quantity) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.min_order_quantity
- if @current_user.role_suppliers?
= link_to t('ui.edit'), edit_supplier_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
= link_to t('ui.delete'), @supplier, :data => {:confirm => t('ui.confirm_delete', name:}, :method => :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger'
- if @deliveries.any?
= link_to t('.show_deliveries'), supplier_deliveries_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
= link_to t('.new_delivery'), new_supplier_delivery_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
%h2= t '.last_deliveries'
%th= heading_helper Delivery, :date
%th= heading_helper Delivery, :amount
- for delivery in @deliveries
%td= link_to, [@supplier, delivery]
%td= link_to_invoice(delivery)
- if @orders.any?
%h2= t '.last_orders'
%th= heading_helper Order, :starts
%th= heading_helper Order, :ends
%th= heading_helper Order, :status
%th= heading_helper Order, :updated_by
- for order in @orders
- if current_user.role_orders?
%td= link_to format_time(order.starts), order_path(order)
- else
%td= format_time(order.starts)
%td= format_time(order.ends) unless order.ends.nil?
- if current_user.role_finance? and not
%td= link_to I18n.t("orders.state.#{order.state}"), new_finance_order_path(order_id:
- else
%td= I18n.t("orders.state.#{order.state}")
%td= show_user(order.updated_by)