
20 lines
783 B

<script type="text/javascript">
// Preset selected order articles per template order:
var template = new Array();
<% current_article_ids = -%>
<% i = -1; for order in @template_orders -%>
template[<%= i += 1 %>] = new Array(<%= current_article_ids.collect { |id| order.article_ids.include?(id) }.join(', ') %>);
<% end -%>
// Call with index into template-array to select order articles from template.
function useTemplate(id) {
if (id >= 0 && id < template.length) {
<% i = -1; for article_id in current_article_ids -%>
var status = template[id][<%= i += 1 %>]
$('checkbox_<%= article_id %>').checked = status;
highlightRow('<%= article_id %>',status);
<% end -%>