Benjamin Meichsner 67661cb716 Added toc to wikipages. Patched wikicloth.
* patched wikicloth to serve anchor links for sections
* added table of contents
* subpages list doesn't show up per default
2009-09-28 14:57:11 +02:00

18 lines
402 B

- title "Alle Wikiseiten", false
= link_to_wikipage_by_permalink("Home", "Foodcoop-Wiki")
%h1 Alle Wikiseiten
%p= link_to "Neue Seite anlegen", new_page_path
%th Titel
%th Zuletzt aktualisiert
- for page in @pages
%td= link_to page.title, wiki_page_path(page.permalink)
%td= format_datetime page.updated_at