Show all unassigned task in the dashboard to make it more interesting for members to pick tasks. Some members do not (want to) click on the task list very often it is not clear if there are new tasks if we show the number of unassigned tasks only.
31 lines
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31 lines
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%th= heading_helper Task, :due_date
%th= heading_helper Task, :name
%th{:colspan => '2'}
= t '.who'
%small= t '.who_hint'
- tasks.each do |task|
- done = task.done ? " done" : ""
%tr{:class => done }
%td= format_date(task.due_date) unless task.due_date.nil?
- if task.periodic?
%i.icon-repeat{title: t('tasks.repeated')}
%td= link_to task_title(task), task_path(task)
= task_assignments task
= highlighted_required_users task
- if !task.is_accepted?(current_user)
= link_to t('.accept_task'), accept_task_path(task), method: :post, class: 'btn btn-small'
= link_to t('.reject_task'), reject_task_path(task), method: :post, class: 'btn btn-small' if task.is_assigned?(current_user)
- elsif !task.done
= link_to set_done_task_path(task), method: :post, class: 'btn btn-small',
title: t('.mark_done') do
%i.icon-ok= t '.done_q'
- else
%i.icon-ok= t '.done'