This makes it easier to enter the receive screen from an order pdf print with received amounts. Conflicts: app/documents/order_fax.rb
99 lines
3.7 KiB
99 lines
3.7 KiB
- new_articles = (@order.supplier.articles.undeleted rescue @order.articles)
- new_article_data = articles_for_select2(new_articles, {|a| "#{} (#{a.unit_quantity}⨯#{a.unit})"}
- content_for :javascript do
function update_delta(input) {
var units = $(input).val();
var expected = $(input).data('units-expected');
var delta = Math.round((units-expected)*100)/100.0;
var html;
if (units.replace(/\s/g,"")=="") {
// no value
html = '';
} else if (isNaN(units)) {
html = '<i class="icon-remove" style="color: red"></i>';
} else if (delta == 0) {
// equal value
html = '<i class="icon-ok" style="color: green"></i>';
} else {
if (delta < 0) {
html = '<span style="color: red">- '+(-delta)+'</span>';
} else /*if (units> expected)*/ {
html = '<span style="color: green">+ '+(delta)+'</span>';
// show package icon only if the receive field has one
if ($(input).hasClass('package')) {
html += '#{j pkg_helper_icon}';
$(document).on('change keyup', 'input[data-units-expected]', function() {
$(document).on('touchclick', '#order_articles .unlocker', unlock_receive_input_field);
$(function() {
$('input[data-units-expected]').each(function() {
function init_add_article(sel) {
placeholder: '#{j t('orders.receive.add_article')}',
formatNoMatches: function(term) { return '#{j t('.no_articles_available')}';}
// TODO implement adding a new article, like in deliveries
}).on('change', function(e) {
var selectedArticle = $(e.currentTarget).select2('data');
if(!selectedArticle) {
return false;
url: '#{order_order_articles_path(@order)}',
type: 'post',
data: JSON.stringify({order_article: {article_id:}}),
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'
$('#add_article').select2('data', null);
}).select2('data', null);
function unlock_receive_input_field() {
$('.units_received', $(this).closest('tr')).prop('disabled', false).focus();
$(this).closest('.input-prepend').prop('title', I18n.t('orders.edit_amount.field_unlocked_title'));
$(this).replaceWith('<i class="icon icon-warning-sign add-on"></i>');
%table#order_articles.ordered-articles.table.table-striped.stupidtable{style: 'margin-bottom: 0'}
%th.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :order_number, short: true
%th.sort{:data => {:sort => 'string'}}= heading_helper Article, :name
%th= heading_helper Article, :unit
%th= heading_helper Article, :price
%th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :quantity, short: true
%th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_to_order, short: true
-#%th Invoice # TODO implement invoice screen
%th= heading_helper OrderArticle, :units_received, short: true
%th= t 'ui.actions'
- @order_articles.each do |order_article|
= render :partial => 'edit_amount', :locals => {:order_article => order_article}
%th{:colspan => 10}
%select#add_article{:style => 'width: 500px;'}
- new_article_data.each do |option|
%option{id: "add_article_#{option[:id]}", value: option[:id]}= option[:text]