The database schema allows numbers up (+/-) 999_999.99. But as we are also adding the amount to the Ordergroup#account_balance, we use lower barriers to avoid running in errors when updating the account balance. So, technically the user has to make 10 times the maximum input to raise an account balance error. This should be sufficient, I hope.
17 lines
583 B
17 lines
583 B
# financial transactions are the foodcoop internal financial transactions
# only ordergroups have an account balance and are happy to transfer money
class FinancialTransaction < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :ordergroup
belongs_to :user
validates_presence_of :amount, :note, :user_id, :ordergroup_id
validates_numericality_of :amount, greater_then: -100_000,
less_than: 100_000
localize_input_of :amount
# Use this save method instead of simple save and after callback
def add_transaction!
ordergroup.add_financial_transaction! amount, note, user