This allows the categorization of suppliers. For a better reporting it is necessary to split the expenses of the invoices. E.g. we want to be able to generate independent sums of general cost like the rent or electricity and the cost of the bought articles.
92 lines
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92 lines
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- title
- content_for :actionbar do
= link_to t('suppliers.index.articles', count: @supplier.articles.undeleted.count), supplier_articles_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
- if @supplier.stock_articles.undeleted.any?
= link_to t('suppliers.index.stock', count: @supplier.stock_articles.undeleted.count), stock_articles_path, class: 'btn'
- if shared_supplier = @supplier.shared_supplier
= t 'suppliers.shared_supplier_note'
= t "suppliers.shared_supplier_methods.#{@supplier.shared_sync_method}"
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :address) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.address
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :phone) + ':'
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :phone2) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.phone2
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :fax) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.fax
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :email) + ':'
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :url) + ':'
%dd= link_to @supplier.url, @supplier.url
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :contact_person) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.contact_person
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :customer_number) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.customer_number
- if SupplierCategory.count > 1
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :supplier_category) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.supplier_category.try(:name)
- if FoodsoftConfig[:use_iban]
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :iban) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.iban
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :delivery_days) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.delivery_days
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :order_howto) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.order_howto
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :note) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.note
%dt= heading_helper(Supplier, :min_order_quantity) + ':'
%dd= @supplier.min_order_quantity
- if @current_user.role_suppliers?
= link_to t('ui.edit'), edit_supplier_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
= link_to t('ui.delete'), @supplier, :data => {:confirm => t('ui.confirm_delete', name:}, :method => :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger'
- if @deliveries.any?
= link_to t('.show_deliveries'), supplier_deliveries_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
= link_to t('.new_delivery'), new_supplier_delivery_path(@supplier), class: 'btn'
%h2= t '.last_deliveries'
%th= heading_helper Delivery, :date
%th= heading_helper Delivery, :amount
- for delivery in @deliveries
%td= link_to delivery.delivered_on, [@supplier, delivery]
%td= link_to_invoice(delivery)
- if @orders.any?
%h2= t '.last_orders'
%th= heading_helper Order, :starts
%th= heading_helper Order, :ends
%th= heading_helper Order, :status
%th= heading_helper Order, :updated_by
- for order in @orders
- if current_user.role_orders?
%td= link_to format_time(order.starts), order_path(order)
- else
%td= format_time(order.starts)
%td= format_time(order.ends) unless order.ends.nil?
- if current_user.role_finance? and not
%td= link_to I18n.t("orders.state.#{order.state}"), new_finance_order_path(order_id:
- else
%td= I18n.t("orders.state.#{order.state}")
%td= show_user(order.updated_by)