Some foodcoops require that an admin adds all users to have more control over the users.
37 lines
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37 lines
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- title t('.title'), false
= h(t('.user.title', user: show_user))
%small= t '.user.since', when: distance_of_time_in_words(Time.now, @current_user.created_on)
= simple_form_for(@current_user, :url => update_profile_path) do |f|
= render :partial => 'shared/user_form_fields', :locals => {:f => f, :password_autocomplete => 'store-only', with_address: true}
= submit_tag t('ui.save'), class: 'btn'
- if @current_user.ordergroup
%h3= User.human_attribute_name(:ordergroup, count: 1)
- if @current_user.ordergroup.users.count > 1
%strong= @current_user.ordergroup.name + ':'
= @current_user.ordergroup.users.map{|u| show_user u}.join(', ')
- else
= @current_user.ordergroup.name
- unless FoodsoftConfig[:disable_invite]
= link_to t('.groups.invite'), new_invite_path(id: @current_user.ordergroup),
remote: true, class: 'btn btn-success btn-small'
- if @current_user.workgroups.any?
%h3= User.human_attribute_name(:workgroup, count: 2)
- @current_user.workgroups.each do |workgroup|
%td= workgroup.name
= link_to t('.groups.cancel'), cancel_membership_path(group_id: workgroup),
:data => {confirm: t('.groups.cancel_confirm')}, method: :post,
class: 'btn btn-danger btn-small'