Philipp Rothmann ea617c002f feat: improve usability of group order
remove group order panel close buttons

things shouldn't just disapear

order article disabled button should be gray

roup order swap plus and minus buttons

because it's more naturally intuitive like this

group order make order details collapse

group order pull search to the right

group order make 'current orders' more obvious

fix switch menu

rework group order edit form

* make switch order a menu list
* table more slim
* alert when balance negative instead of making everything red
* search to the right

wip: rework group order details

tried to reduce the amount of informations shown. but needs some user feedback, what information are actually relevant

rework group order show view

dashboard make show edit current order action more precise

group order package indication uses  more color-blind friendly color

group order fix dancing quantity buttons

group order switch menu use show view

group order show window with some explanations

group order edit title more clear

grou order edit show less infos

group order switch view next iteration

grou order index narrower tables

move order details to show again

remove unused stuff
2023-02-24 13:05:24 +01:00

121 lines
5 KiB

- content_for :javascript do
$(function() {
- title t('.title', order:
= render 'switch_order', current_order: @order
%h2= t '.articles.title'
// Name
%dt= heading_helper Order, :name
// Order Ends
%dt= heading_helper Order, :ends
%dd= format_time(@order.ends)
// Pickup
- unless @order.pickup.blank?
%dt= heading_helper Order, :pickup
%dd= format_date(@order.pickup)
// Min Order Quantity
- unless @order.stockit? or @order.supplier.min_order_quantity.blank?
%dt= heading_helper Supplier, :min_order_quantity, short: true
%dd= @order.supplier.min_order_quantity
// Group Order Sum Amount
%dt= t 'group_orders.form.sum_amount'
%dd= number_to_currency @order.sum
// Created By
%dt= heading_helper Order, :created_by
%dd= show_user_link(@order.created_by)
// Updated By
- unless @group_order.new_record?
%dt= heading_helper GroupOrder, :updated_by
= show_user(@group_order.updated_by)
// Closed By
- if @order.closed?
%dt= heading_helper Order, :closed_by
%dd= show_user_link @order.updated_by
// Note
- unless @order.note.blank?
%dt= heading_helper Order, :note
%dd= @order.note
// Article box
- if @group_order
%p= link_to t('.articles.show_hide'), '#', 'data-toggle-this' => 'tr.ignored'
%th{style: "width:40%"}= heading_helper Article, :name
%th= heading_helper Article, :units
%th= t '.articles.unit_price'
%abbr{title: t('.articles.ordered_title')}= t '.articles.ordered'
%abbr{title: t('.articles.order_nopen_title')}
- if
= t '.articles.order_open'
- else
= t '.articles.order_not_open'
%th= heading_helper GroupOrderArticle, :total_price
- for category_name, order_articles in @order.articles_grouped_by_category
= category_name
%td{colspan: "9"}
- order_articles.each do |oa|
- # get the order-results for the ordergroup
- r = get_order_results(oa,
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles') + " " + order_article_class_name(r[:quantity], r[:tolerance], r[:result])}
%td{style: "width:40%"}
- unless oa.article.note.blank?
= image_tag("lamp_grey.png", {alt: t('.articles.show_note'), size: "15x16", border: "0", onmouseover: "$('#note_#{}').show();", onmouseout: "$('#note_#{}').hide();"})
%td= "#{oa.price.unit_quantity} x #{oa.article.unit}"
%td= number_to_currency(oa.price.fc_price)
= r[:quantity]
= "+ #{r[:tolerance]}" if oa.price.unit_quantity > 1
%td= r[:result] > 0 ? r[:result] : "0"
%td= number_to_currency(r[:sub_total])
- unless oa.article.note.blank?
%tr{id: "note_#{}", class: "note even", style: "display:none"}
%td{colspan: "6"}=h oa.article.note
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles')}
%th{colspan: "5"}= heading_helper GroupOrder, :price
%th= number_to_currency(@group_order.price)
- if @group_order.transport
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles')}
%td{colspan: "5"}= heading_helper GroupOrder, :transport
%td= number_to_currency(@group_order.transport)
%tr{class: cycle('even', 'odd', name: 'articles')}
%th{colspan: "5"}= heading_helper GroupOrder, :total
%th= number_to_currency(
= link_to_top
%p.pull-right= link_to(t('.articles.edit_order'), edit_group_order_path(@group_order, order_id:, class: 'btn btn-primary') if
- else
- if
= t '.articles.not_ordered_msg'
= link_to t('.articles.order_now'), action: "order", id: @order
- else
= t '.articles.order_closed_msg'
// Comments box
%h2= t '.comments.title'
= render 'shared/comments', comments: @order.comments
#new_comment= render 'order_comments/form', order_comment: current_user)
= link_to_top