wvengen 507651f5ba Move small close button to helper.
Workaround for show order deface override nuking attributes of the close button.
2015-04-10 18:58:51 +02:00

32 lines
1.3 KiB

= simple_form_for [@order, @order_article], remote: true do |form|
= close_button :modal
%h3= t '.title'
- if params[:without_units]
= hidden_field_tag :without_units, true
- else
= form.input :units_to_order, hint: '', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'}
-#= form.input :units_billed, label: 'invoice', input_html: {class: 'input-nano'}
= form.input :units_received, input_html: {class: 'input-nano'},
label: t('activerecord.attributes.order_article.units_received_short') t 'simple_form.hints.order_article.units_to_order'
.foo{style: 'clear:both'}
= simple_fields_for :article, @order_article.article do |f|
= f.input :name
- if @order_article.article.is_a?(StockArticle)
%div.alert= t '.stock_alert'
- else
= simple_fields_for :article_price, @order_article.article_price do |fprice|
= render partial: 'shared/article_fields_units', locals: {f_unit: f, f_uq: fprice}
= render partial: 'shared/article_fields_price', locals: {f: fprice}
= form.input :update_global_price, as: :boolean
= f.input :order_number
= link_to t('ui.close'), '#', class: 'btn', data: {dismiss: 'modal'}
= form.submit class: 'btn btn-primary'