173 lines
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173 lines
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# == Schema Information
# Table name: group_order_articles
# id :integer not null, primary key
# group_order_id :integer default(0), not null
# order_article_id :integer default(0), not null
# quantity :integer default(0), not null
# tolerance :integer default(0), not null
# updated_on :datetime not null
# result :decimal(, )
# A GroupOrderArticle stores the sum of how many items of an OrderArticle are ordered as part of a GroupOrder.
# The chronologically order of the Ordergroup - activity are stored in GroupOrderArticleQuantity
class GroupOrderArticle < ActiveRecord::Base
extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable # Ability to cache method results. Use memoize :expensive_method
belongs_to :group_order
belongs_to :order_article
has_many :group_order_article_quantities, :dependent => :destroy
validates_presence_of :group_order_id, :order_article_id
validates_inclusion_of :quantity, :in => 0..99
validates_inclusion_of :result, :in => 0..99, :allow_nil => true
validates_inclusion_of :tolerance, :in => 0..99
validates_uniqueness_of :order_article_id, :scope => :group_order_id # just once an article per group order
attr_accessor :ordergroup_id # To create an new GroupOrder if neccessary
named_scope :ordered, :conditions => 'result > 0'
# Custom attribute setter that accepts decimal numbers using localized decimal separator.
def result=(result)
self[:result] = String.delocalized_decimal(result)
# Updates the quantity/tolerance for this GroupOrderArticle by updating both GroupOrderArticle properties
# and the associated GroupOrderArticleQuantities chronologically.
# See description of the ordering algorithm in the general application documentation for details.
def update_quantities(quantity, tolerance)
logger.debug("GroupOrderArticle[#{id}].update_quantities(#{quantity}, #{tolerance})")
logger.debug("Current quantity = #{self.quantity}, tolerance = #{self.tolerance}")
# Get quantities ordered with the newest item first.
quantities = group_order_article_quantities.find(:all, :order => 'created_on desc')
logger.debug("GroupOrderArticleQuantity items found: #{quantities.size}")
if (quantities.size == 0)
# There is no GroupOrderArticleQuantity item yet, just insert with desired quantities...
logger.debug("No quantities entry at all, inserting a new one with the desired quantities")
quantities.push(GroupOrderArticleQuantity.new(:group_order_article => self, :quantity => quantity, :tolerance => tolerance))
self.quantity, self.tolerance = quantity, tolerance
# Decrease quantity/tolerance if necessary by going through the existing items and decreasing their values...
i = 0
while (i < quantities.size && (quantity < self.quantity || tolerance < self.tolerance))
logger.debug("Need to decrease quantities for GroupOrderArticleQuantity[#{quantities[i].id}]")
if (quantity < self.quantity && quantities[i].quantity > 0)
delta = self.quantity - quantity
delta = (delta > quantities[i].quantity ? quantities[i].quantity : delta)
logger.debug("Decreasing quantity by #{delta}")
quantities[i].quantity -= delta
self.quantity -= delta
if (tolerance < self.tolerance && quantities[i].tolerance > 0)
delta = self.tolerance - tolerance
delta = (delta > quantities[i].tolerance ? quantities[i].tolerance : delta)
logger.debug("Decreasing tolerance by #{delta}")
quantities[i].tolerance -= delta
self.tolerance -= delta
i += 1
# If there is at least one increased value: insert a new GroupOrderArticleQuantity object
if (quantity > self.quantity || tolerance > self.tolerance)
logger.debug("Inserting a new GroupOrderArticleQuantity")
quantities.insert(0, GroupOrderArticleQuantity.new(
:group_order_article => self,
:quantity => (quantity > self.quantity ? quantity - self.quantity : 0),
:tolerance => (tolerance > self.tolerance ? tolerance - self.tolerance : 0)
# Recalc totals:
self.quantity += quantities[0].quantity
self.tolerance += quantities[0].tolerance
# Check if something went terribly wrong and quantites have not been adjusted as desired.
if (self.quantity != quantity || self.tolerance != tolerance)
raise 'Invalid state: unable to update GroupOrderArticle/-Quantities to desired quantities!'
# Remove zero-only items.
quantities = quantities.reject { | q | q.quantity == 0 && q.tolerance == 0}
# Save
transaction do
quantities.each { | i | i.save! }
self.group_order_article_quantities = quantities
# Determines how many items of this article the Ordergroup receives.
# Returns a hash with three keys: :quantity / :tolerance / :total
# See description of the ordering algorithm in the general application documentation for details.
def calculate_result
quantity = tolerance = 0
stockit = order_article.article.is_a?(StockArticle)
# Get total
total = stockit ? order_article.article.quantity : order_article.units_to_order * order_article.price.unit_quantity
logger.debug("<#{order_article.article.name}>.unitsToOrder => items ordered: #{order_article.units_to_order} => #{total}")
if (total > 0)
# In total there are enough units ordered. Now check the individual result for the ordergroup (group_order).
# Get all GroupOrderArticleQuantities for this OrderArticle...
order_quantities = GroupOrderArticleQuantity.all(
:conditions => ["group_order_article_id IN (?)", order_article.group_order_article_ids], :order => 'created_on')
logger.debug("GroupOrderArticleQuantity records found: #{order_quantities.size}")
# Determine quantities to be ordered...
total_quantity = i = 0
while (i < order_quantities.size && total_quantity < total)
q = (order_quantities[i].quantity <= total - total_quantity ? order_quantities[i].quantity : total - total_quantity)
total_quantity += q
if (order_quantities[i].group_order_article_id == self.id)
logger.debug("increasing quantity by #{q}")
quantity += q
i += 1
# Determine tolerance to be ordered...
if (total_quantity < total)
logger.debug("determining additional items to be ordered from tolerance")
i = 0
while (i < order_quantities.size && total_quantity < total)
q = (order_quantities[i].tolerance <= total - total_quantity ? order_quantities[i].tolerance : total - total_quantity)
total_quantity += q
if (order_quantities[i].group_order_article_id == self.id)
logger.debug("increasing tolerance by #{q}")
tolerance += q
i += 1
logger.debug("determined quantity/tolerance/total: #{quantity} / #{tolerance} / #{quantity + tolerance}")
{:quantity => quantity, :tolerance => tolerance, :total => quantity + tolerance}
memoize :calculate_result
# Returns order result,
# either calcualted on the fly or fetched from result attribute
# Result is set when finishing the order.
def result(type = :total)
self[:result] || calculate_result[type]
# This is used during order.finish!.
def save_results!
self.update_attribute(:result, calculate_result[:total])