OrderResult tables are removed. Data consistency is now possible through new article.price-history (ArticlePrice). Balancing-workflow needs to be updated.
71 lines
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71 lines
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%h1 Artikel mit externer Datenbank synchronisieren
- form_tag update_all_supplier_articles_path(@supplier, :sync => "1") do
%h2 Auslisten ...
- unless @outlisted_articles.empty?
Folgende Artikel wurden ausgelistet und werden
%b gelöscht:
- for article in @outlisted_articles
= hidden_field_tag "outlisted_articles[#{article.id}]", '1'
= article.name
- else
%i Es müssen keine Artikel gelöscht werden.
%h2 Aktualisieren ...
%b= @updated_articles.size
Artikel müssen aktualisiert werden:
Jeder Artikel wird doppelt angezeigt. Die alten Werte sind grau und die Textfelder sind mit den aktuellen
Werten vorausgefüllt.
Abweichungen zu den alten Artikeln sind gelb markiert.
%th Name
%th Notiz
%th Hersteller
%th Herkunft
%th Einheit
%th GebGr
%th Preis
%th MwSt.
%th Pfand
%th Kategorie
- @updated_articles.each do |@article, unequal_attributes|
- article = Article.find(@article.id)
%tr{:style => 'color:grey'}
%td= article.name
%td= article.note
%td= article.manufacturer
%td= article.origin
%td= article.unit
%td= article.unit_quantity
%td= article.price
%td= article.tax
%td= article.deposit
%td= article.article_category.name if article.article_category
- fields_for 'articles[]', @article do |form|
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :name)}
= form.text_field 'name', :size => 0
= form.hidden_field 'shared_updated_on'
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :note)}= form.text_field 'note', :size => 15
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :manufacturer)}= form.text_field 'manufacturer', :size => 10
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :origin)}= form.text_field 'origin', :size => 5
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :unit)}= form.text_field 'unit', :size => 5
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :unit_quantity)}= form.text_field 'unit_quantity', :size => 5
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :price)}= form.text_field 'price', :size => 5
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :tax)}= form.text_field 'tax', :size => 4
%td{:style => highlight_new(unequal_attributes, :deposit)}= form.text_field 'deposit', :size => 4
%td= select 'article[]', 'article_category_id', ArticleCategory.find(:all).collect {|a| [ a.name, a.id ] }, { :include_blank => true }
= hidden_field 'supplier', 'id'
= submit_tag 'Alle löschen/aktualisieren'
= link_to 'Abbrechen', supplier_articles_path(@supplier) |