
40 lines
1.7 KiB

%acronym{:title => t('.available_desc')}= t '.available_short'
%th= t ''
%th= t 'simple_form.labels.article.unit'
%acronym{:title => t('.price_desc')}= t '.price_short'
%acronym{:title => t('.unit_quantity_desc')}= t '.unit_quantity_short'
%acronym{:title => t('.order_number_desc')}= t '.order_number_short'
%th= t 'simple_form.labels.article.note'
%th= t 'simple_form.labels.article.article_category'
%th= t ''
%th= t 'simple_form.labels.defaults.deposit'
- @articles.each_with_index do |article, index|
= fields_for "articles[#{ || index}]", article do |form|
= yield form # allow to add hidden fields to form
= form.check_box 'availability'
%td= form.text_field 'name', class: 'input-medium'
%td= form.text_field 'unit', class: 'input-mini'
%td= form.text_field 'price', class: 'input-mini'
%td= form.text_field 'unit_quantity', class: 'input-mini'
%td= form.text_field 'order_number', class: 'input-mini'
%td= form.text_field 'note', class: 'input-medium'
%td= form.collection_select 'article_category_id', ArticleCategory.all,
:id, :name, { :include_blank => true }, class: 'input-small'
= form.text_field 'tax', class: 'input-mini'
%span.add-on %
%td= form.text_field 'deposit', class: 'input-mini'
- unless article.errors.empty?
%td(colspan="10")= article.errors.full_messages.join(", ")