"""add user role Revision ID: b514cca2d47b Revises: 5f462d2d9d25 Create Date: 2022-06-08 17:24:51.305129 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa from areas.apps.apps_service import AppsService # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = 'b514cca2d47b' down_revision = '5f462d2d9d25' branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(): # ### end Alembic commands ### # Insert role "user" as ID 2 op.execute("INSERT INTO `role` (id, `name`) VALUES (2, 'user')") # Insert role "no access" as ID 3 op.execute("INSERT INTO `role` (id, `name`) VALUES (3, 'no access')") # Set role_id 2 to all current "user" users which by have NULL role ID op.execute("UPDATE app_role SET role_id = 2 WHERE role_id IS NULL") # Add 'no access' role for all users that don't have any roles for specific apps app_ids = [app['id'] for app in AppsService.get_apps()] app_roles = AppsService.get_app_roles() user_ids = [app_role['user_id'] for app_role in app_roles] for user_id in user_ids: existing_app_ids = [x['app_id'] for x in list(filter(lambda role: role['user_id'] == user_id, app_roles))] missing_app_ids = [x for x in app_ids if x not in existing_app_ids] if len(missing_app_ids) > 0: insert_statement = "INSERT INTO app_role (user_id, app_id, role_id) VALUES" for app_id in missing_app_ids: insert_statement += " ('"+ user_id +"'," + str(app_id) +",3)," op.execute(insert_statement[:-1]) def downgrade(): # Revert all users role_id to NULL where role is 'user' op.execute("UPDATE app_role SET role_id = NULL WHERE role_id = 2") # Delete role 'user' from roles op.execute("DELETE FROM `role` WHERE id = 2") # Delete all user app roles where role is 'no access' with role_id 3 op.execute("DELETE FROM app_role WHERE role_id = 3") # Delete role 'no access' from roles op.execute("DELETE FROM `role` WHERE id = 3")