#!/bin/bash host=$1 namespace=$2 if [ "x$host" == "x" ] then echo "Please give host of kubernetes master as argument. Optionally a namespace can be provided. This defaults to 'stackspin'" echo " " echo $0 hostname [namespace] exit 1 fi if [ "x$namespace" == "x" ] then namespace="stackspin" fi admin=`ssh $host -lroot kubectl get service -n $namespace |grep single-sign-on-kratos-admin | awk '{print $3'}` public=`ssh $host -lroot kubectl get service -n $namespace |grep single-sign-on-kratos-public | awk '{print $3}'` hydra=`ssh $host -lroot kubectl get service -n $namespace |grep single-sign-on-hydra-admin | awk '{print $3}'` psql=`ssh $host -lroot kubectl get service -n $namespace |grep single-sign-on-database-postgres|grep -v headless | awk '{print $3}'` if [ "x$admin" == 'x' ] || [ "x$public" == 'x' ] || [ "x$hydra" == 'x' ] || [ "x$psql" == 'x' ] then echo "It seems we where not able find at least one of the remote services" echo " please make sure that kubectl use the right namespace by default." echo " normally this is 'stackspin'. If you use a different namespace" echo " please provide this as second argument" exit 1 fi echo " kratos admin port will be at localhost: 8000 kratos public port will be at localhost: 8080 hydra admin port will be at localhost: 4445 psql port will be at localhost: 5432 " ssh -L 8000:$admin:80 -L 8080:$public:80 -L 4445:$hydra:4445 -L 5432:$psql:5432 root@$host