include: - remote: - template: 'Workflows/MergeRequest-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml' stages: - build-project - build-container - lint-helm-chart - package-helm-chart - release-helm-chart image: node:14-alpine variables: CHART_NAME: stackspin-dashboard CHART_DIR: deployment/helmchart/ build-project: stage: build-project before_script: [] script: - echo "Building app" - yarn install - echo "REACT_APP_API_URL=/api/v1" > .env - echo "EXTEND_ESLINT=true" >> .env - yarn build - mv build web-build - echo "Build successful" artifacts: expire_in: 1 hour name: web-build paths: - web-build .kaniko-build: script: - cd ${DIRECTORY} - echo "{\"auths\":{\"$CI_REGISTRY\":{\"username\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_USER\",\"password\":\"$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD\"}}}" > /kaniko/.docker/config.json - export CONTAINER_TAG=${CI_COMMIT_TAG:-${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}} - /kaniko/executor --cache=true --context ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/${DIRECTORY} --destination ${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE}/${KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME}:${CONTAINER_TAG} build-fontend-container: stage: build-container image: # We need a shell to provide the registry credentials, so we need to use the # kaniko debug image ( name: entrypoint: [""] variables: KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: dashboard DIRECTORY: web-build before_script: - cp deployment/Dockerfile $DIRECTORY - cp deployment/nginx.conf $DIRECTORY extends: .kaniko-build build-backend-container: stage: build-container variables: KANIKO_BUILD_IMAGENAME: dashboard-backend DIRECTORY: backend image: # We need a shell to provide the registry credentials, so we need to use the # kaniko debug image ( name: entrypoint: [""] extends: .kaniko-build