diff --git a/docs/content/doc/usage/errors.md b/docs/content/doc/usage/errors.md
index 6d926784..cc89e1b4 100644
--- a/docs/content/doc/usage/errors.md
+++ b/docs/content/doc/usage/errors.md
@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ This document describes the different errors Vikunja can return.
| 4010 | 400 | Cannot relate a task with itself. |
| 4011 | 404 | The task attachment does not exist. |
| 4012 | 400 | The task attachment is too large. |
+| 4013 | 400 | The task sort param is invalid. |
+| 4014 | 400 | The task sort order is invalid. |
| 5001 | 404 | The namspace does not exist. |
| 5003 | 403 | The user does not have access to the specified namespace. |
| 5006 | 400 | The namespace name cannot be empty. |
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 539a2bf1..84f5fcbd 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -25,15 +25,12 @@ require (
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@@ -97,3 +90,5 @@ require (
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+go 1.13
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diff --git a/pkg/integrations/task_collection_test.go b/pkg/integrations/task_collection_test.go
index 58655661..e9f3e497 100644
--- a/pkg/integrations/task_collection_test.go
+++ b/pkg/integrations/task_collection_test.go
@@ -90,38 +90,49 @@ func TestTaskCollection(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotContains(t, rec.Body.String(), `task #14`)
t.Run("Sort Order", func(t *testing.T) {
- // should equal priority desc
+ // TODO: Add more cases
+ // should equal priority asc
t.Run("by priority", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"priority"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,`)
+ assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":33,"text":"task #33 with percent done","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0.5,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
t.Run("by priority desc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"prioritydesc"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}, "order_by": []string{"desc"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,`)
t.Run("by priority asc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"priorityasc"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}, "order_by": []string{"asc"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":33,"text":"task #33 with percent done","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0.5,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
- // should equal duedate desc
+ // should equal duedate asc
t.Run("by duedate", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedate"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date"`)
+ assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543616724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
t.Run("by duedate desc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedatedesc"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}, "order_by": []string{"desc"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date"`)
t.Run("by duedate asc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedateasc"}}, urlParams)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}, "order_by": []string{"asc"}}, urlParams)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543616724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
+ t.Run("invalid sort parameter", func(t *testing.T) {
+ _, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"loremipsum"}}, urlParams)
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assertHandlerErrorCode(t, err, models.ErrCodeInvalidSortParam)
+ })
+ t.Run("invalid sort order", func(t *testing.T) {
+ _, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"id"}, "order_by": []string{"loremipsum"}}, urlParams)
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assertHandlerErrorCode(t, err, models.ErrCodeInvalidSortOrder)
+ })
t.Run("invalid parameter", func(t *testing.T) {
// Invalid parameter should not sort at all
rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"loremipsum"}}, urlParams)
@@ -234,35 +245,35 @@ func TestTaskCollection(t *testing.T) {
assert.NotContains(t, rec.Body.String(), `task #14`)
t.Run("Sort Order", func(t *testing.T) {
- // should equal priority desc
+ // should equal priority asc
t.Run("by priority", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"priority"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,`)
+ assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":33,"text":"task #33 with percent done","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0.5,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
t.Run("by priority desc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"prioritydesc"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}, "order_by": []string{"desc"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,`)
t.Run("by priority asc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"priorityasc"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"priority"}, "order_by": []string{"asc"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":33,"text":"task #33 with percent done","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0.5,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":4,"text":"task #4 low prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":1,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":3,"text":"task #3 high prio","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":0,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":100,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
- // should equal duedate desc
+ // should equal duedate asc
t.Run("by duedate", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedate"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
- assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date"`)
+ assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543616724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
t.Run("by duedate desc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedatedesc"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}, "order_by": []string{"desc"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `[{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date"`)
t.Run("by duedate asc", func(t *testing.T) {
- rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort": []string{"duedateasc"}}, nil)
+ rec, err := testHandler.testReadAllWithUser(url.Values{"sort_by": []string{"due_date_unix"}, "order_by": []string{"asc"}}, nil)
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, rec.Body.String(), `{"id":6,"text":"task #6 lower due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543616724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}},{"id":5,"text":"task #5 higher due date","description":"","done":false,"doneAt":0,"dueDate":1543636724,"reminderDates":null,"listID":1,"repeatAfter":0,"priority":0,"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"assignees":null,"labels":null,"hexColor":"","percentDone":0,"related_tasks":{},"attachments":null,"created":1543626724,"updated":1543626724,"createdBy":{"id":1,"username":"user1","avatarUrl":"111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808","created":0,"updated":0}}]`)
diff --git a/pkg/models/error.go b/pkg/models/error.go
index c42af27a..0af2b978 100644
--- a/pkg/models/error.go
+++ b/pkg/models/error.go
@@ -788,6 +788,60 @@ func (err ErrTaskAttachmentIsTooLarge) HTTPError() web.HTTPError {
+// ErrInvalidSortParam represents an error where the provided sort param is invalid
+type ErrInvalidSortParam struct {
+ SortBy sortProperty
+// IsErrInvalidSortParam checks if an error is ErrInvalidSortParam.
+func IsErrInvalidSortParam(err error) bool {
+ _, ok := err.(ErrInvalidSortParam)
+ return ok
+func (err ErrInvalidSortParam) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Sort param is invalid [SortBy: %s]", err.SortBy)
+// ErrCodeInvalidSortParam holds the unique world-error code of this error
+const ErrCodeInvalidSortParam = 4013
+// HTTPError holds the http error description
+func (err ErrInvalidSortParam) HTTPError() web.HTTPError {
+ return web.HTTPError{
+ HTTPCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ Code: ErrCodeInvalidSortParam,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("The task sort param '%s' is invalid.", err.SortBy),
+ }
+// ErrInvalidSortOrder represents an error where the provided sort order is invalid
+type ErrInvalidSortOrder struct {
+ OrderBy sortOrder
+// IsErrInvalidSortOrder checks if an error is ErrInvalidSortOrder.
+func IsErrInvalidSortOrder(err error) bool {
+ _, ok := err.(ErrInvalidSortOrder)
+ return ok
+func (err ErrInvalidSortOrder) Error() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Sort order is invalid [OrderBy: %s]", err.OrderBy)
+// ErrCodeInvalidSortOrder holds the unique world-error code of this error
+const ErrCodeInvalidSortOrder = 4014
+// HTTPError holds the http error description
+func (err ErrInvalidSortOrder) HTTPError() web.HTTPError {
+ return web.HTTPError{
+ HTTPCode: http.StatusBadRequest,
+ Code: ErrCodeInvalidSortOrder,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("The task sort order '%s' is invalid. Allowed is either asc or desc.", err.OrderBy),
+ }
// =================
// Namespace errors
// =================
diff --git a/pkg/models/label.go b/pkg/models/label.go
index 13799f8c..14cab109 100644
--- a/pkg/models/label.go
+++ b/pkg/models/label.go
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ func getUserTaskIDs(u *User) (taskIDs []int64, err error) {
tasks, _, _, err := getRawTasksForLists(lists, &taskOptions{
startDate: time.Unix(0, 0),
endDate: time.Unix(0, 0),
- sortby: SortTasksByUnsorted,
page: -1,
perPage: 0,
diff --git a/pkg/models/task_collection.go b/pkg/models/task_collection.go
index db79f953..16cc1062 100644
--- a/pkg/models/task_collection.go
+++ b/pkg/models/task_collection.go
@@ -24,18 +24,22 @@ import (
// TaskCollection is a struct used to hold filter details and not clutter the Task struct with information not related to actual tasks.
type TaskCollection struct {
- ListID int64 `param:"list"`
- Sorting string `query:"sort"` // Parameter to sort by
- StartDateSortUnix int64 `query:"startdate"`
- EndDateSortUnix int64 `query:"enddate"`
+ ListID int64 `param:"list"`
+ StartDateSortUnix int64 `query:"startdate"`
+ EndDateSortUnix int64 `query:"enddate"`
Lists []*List
+ // The query parameter to sort by. This is for ex. done, priority, etc.
+ SortBy []string `query:"sort_by"`
+ // The query parameter to order the items by. This can be either asc or desc, with asc being the default.
+ OrderBy []string `query:"order_by"`
web.CRUDable `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
web.Rights `xorm:"-" json:"-"`
// ReadAll gets all tasks for a collection
-// @Summary Get tasks on a list
+// @Summary Get tasks in a list
// @Description Returns all tasks for the current list.
// @tags task
// @Accept json
@@ -44,7 +48,8 @@ type TaskCollection struct {
// @Param page query int false "The page number. Used for pagination. If not provided, the first page of results is returned."
// @Param per_page query int false "The maximum number of items per page. Note this parameter is limited by the configured maximum of items per page."
// @Param s query string false "Search tasks by task text."
-// @Param sort query string false "The sorting parameter. Possible values to sort by are priority, prioritydesc, priorityasc, duedate, duedatedesc, duedateasc."
+// @Param sort_by query string false "The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get the tasks ordered by multiple different parametes, along with `order_by`. Possible values to sort by are `id`, `text`, `description`, `done`, `done_at_unix`, `due_date_unix`, `created_by_id`, `list_id`, `repeat_after`, `priority`, `start_date_unix`, `end_date_unix`, `hex_color`, `percent_done`, `uid`, `created`, `updated`. Default is `id`."
+// @Param order_by query string false "The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are `asc` or `desc`. Default is `asc`."
// @Param startdate query int false "The start date parameter to filter by. Expects a unix timestamp. If no end date, but a start date is specified, the end date is set to the current time."
// @Param enddate query int false "The end date parameter to filter by. Expects a unix timestamp. If no start date, but an end date is specified, the start date is set to the current time."
// @Security JWTKeyAuth
@@ -52,31 +57,32 @@ type TaskCollection struct {
// @Failure 500 {object} models.Message "Internal error"
// @Router /lists/{listID}/tasks [get]
func (tf *TaskCollection) ReadAll(a web.Auth, search string, page int, perPage int) (result interface{}, resultCount int, totalItems int64, err error) {
- var sortby SortBy
- switch tf.Sorting {
- case "priority":
- sortby = SortTasksByPriorityDesc
- case "prioritydesc":
- sortby = SortTasksByPriorityDesc
- case "priorityasc":
- sortby = SortTasksByPriorityAsc
- case "duedate":
- sortby = SortTasksByDueDateDesc
- case "duedatedesc":
- sortby = SortTasksByDueDateDesc
- case "duedateasc":
- sortby = SortTasksByDueDateAsc
- default:
- sortby = SortTasksByUnsorted
+ var sort = make([]*sortParam, 0, len(tf.SortBy))
+ for i, s := range tf.SortBy {
+ param := &sortParam{
+ sortBy: sortProperty(s),
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ }
+ // This checks if tf.OrderBy has an entry with the same index as the current entry from tf.SortBy
+ // Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/27252199/10924593
+ if len(tf.OrderBy) > i {
+ param.orderBy = getSortOrderFromString(tf.OrderBy[i])
+ }
+ // Param validation
+ if err := param.validate(); err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, 0, err
+ }
+ sort = append(sort, param)
taskopts := &taskOptions{
search: search,
- sortby: sortby,
startDate: time.Unix(tf.StartDateSortUnix, 0),
endDate: time.Unix(tf.EndDateSortUnix, 0),
page: page,
perPage: perPage,
+ sortby: sort,
shareAuth, is := a.(*LinkSharing)
diff --git a/pkg/models/task_collection_sort.go b/pkg/models/task_collection_sort.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2cae7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/models/task_collection_sort.go
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+// Vikunja is a todo-list application to facilitate your life.
+// Copyright 2019 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+package models
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sort"
+type (
+ sortParam struct {
+ sortBy sortProperty
+ orderBy sortOrder // asc or desc
+ }
+ sortProperty string
+ sortOrder string
+const (
+ taskPropertyID sortProperty = "id"
+ taskPropertyText sortProperty = "text"
+ taskPropertyDescription sortProperty = "description"
+ taskPropertyDone sortProperty = "done"
+ taskPropertyDoneAtUnix sortProperty = "done_at_unix"
+ taskPropertyDueDateUnix sortProperty = "due_date_unix"
+ taskPropertyCreatedByID sortProperty = "created_by_id"
+ taskPropertyListID sortProperty = "list_id"
+ taskPropertyRepeatAfter sortProperty = "repeat_after"
+ taskPropertyPriority sortProperty = "priority"
+ taskPropertyStartDateUnix sortProperty = "start_date_unix"
+ taskPropertyEndDateUnix sortProperty = "end_date_unix"
+ taskPropertyHexColor sortProperty = "hex_color"
+ taskPropertyPercentDone sortProperty = "percent_done"
+ taskPropertyUID sortProperty = "uid"
+ taskPropertyCreated sortProperty = "created"
+ taskPropertyUpdated sortProperty = "updated"
+func (p sortProperty) String() string {
+ return string(p)
+const (
+ orderInvalid sortOrder = "invalid"
+ orderAscending sortOrder = "asc"
+ orderDescending sortOrder = "desc"
+func (o sortOrder) String() string {
+ return string(o)
+func getSortOrderFromString(s string) sortOrder {
+ if s == "asc" {
+ return orderAscending
+ }
+ if s == "desc" {
+ return orderDescending
+ }
+ return orderInvalid
+func (sp *sortParam) validate() error {
+ if sp.orderBy != orderDescending && sp.orderBy != orderAscending {
+ return ErrInvalidSortOrder{OrderBy: sp.orderBy}
+ }
+ switch sp.sortBy {
+ case
+ taskPropertyID,
+ taskPropertyText,
+ taskPropertyDescription,
+ taskPropertyDone,
+ taskPropertyDoneAtUnix,
+ taskPropertyDueDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyCreatedByID,
+ taskPropertyListID,
+ taskPropertyRepeatAfter,
+ taskPropertyPriority,
+ taskPropertyStartDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyEndDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyHexColor,
+ taskPropertyPercentDone,
+ taskPropertyUID,
+ taskPropertyCreated,
+ taskPropertyUpdated:
+ return nil
+ }
+ return ErrInvalidSortParam{SortBy: sp.sortBy}
+type taskComparator func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64
+func mustMakeComparator(fieldName string) taskComparator {
+ field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(&Task{}).Elem().FieldByName(fieldName)
+ if !ok {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Field '%s' has not been found on Task", fieldName))
+ }
+ extractProp := func(task *Task) interface{} {
+ return reflect.ValueOf(task).Elem().FieldByIndex(field.Index).Interface()
+ }
+ switch field.Type.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Int64:
+ return func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ return extractProp(lhs).(int64) - extractProp(rhs).(int64)
+ }
+ case reflect.Float64:
+ return func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ floatLHS, floatRHS := extractProp(lhs).(float64), extractProp(rhs).(float64)
+ if floatLHS > floatRHS {
+ return 1
+ } else if floatLHS < floatRHS {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ case reflect.String:
+ return func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ strLHS, strRHS := extractProp(lhs).(string), extractProp(rhs).(string)
+ if strLHS > strRHS {
+ return 1
+ } else if strLHS < strRHS {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ case reflect.Bool:
+ return func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ boolLHS, boolRHS := extractProp(lhs).(bool), extractProp(rhs).(bool)
+ if !boolLHS && boolRHS {
+ return 1
+ } else if boolLHS && !boolRHS {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported type for sorting: %s", field.Type.Name()))
+ }
+// This is a map of properties that can be sorted by
+// and their appropriate comparator function.
+// The comparator function sorts in ascending mode.
+var propertyComparators = map[sortProperty]taskComparator{
+ taskPropertyID: mustMakeComparator("ID"),
+ taskPropertyText: mustMakeComparator("Text"),
+ taskPropertyDescription: mustMakeComparator("Description"),
+ taskPropertyDone: mustMakeComparator("Done"),
+ taskPropertyDoneAtUnix: mustMakeComparator("DoneAtUnix"),
+ taskPropertyDueDateUnix: mustMakeComparator("DueDateUnix"),
+ taskPropertyCreatedByID: mustMakeComparator("CreatedByID"),
+ taskPropertyListID: mustMakeComparator("ListID"),
+ taskPropertyRepeatAfter: mustMakeComparator("RepeatAfter"),
+ taskPropertyPriority: mustMakeComparator("Priority"),
+ taskPropertyStartDateUnix: mustMakeComparator("StartDateUnix"),
+ taskPropertyEndDateUnix: mustMakeComparator("EndDateUnix"),
+ taskPropertyHexColor: mustMakeComparator("HexColor"),
+ taskPropertyPercentDone: mustMakeComparator("PercentDone"),
+ taskPropertyUID: mustMakeComparator("UID"),
+ taskPropertyCreated: mustMakeComparator("Created"),
+ taskPropertyUpdated: mustMakeComparator("Updated"),
+// Creates a taskComparator that sorts by the first comparator and falls back to
+// the second one (and so on...) if the properties were equal.
+func combineComparators(comparators ...taskComparator) taskComparator {
+ return func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ for _, compare := range comparators {
+ res := compare(lhs, rhs)
+ if res != 0 {
+ return res
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
+ }
+func sortTasks(tasks []*Task, by []*sortParam) {
+ // Always sort at least by id asc so we have a consistent order of items every time
+ // If we would not do this, we would get a different order for items with the same content every time
+ // the slice is sorted. To circumvent this, we always order at least by ID.
+ if len(by) == 0 ||
+ (len(by) > 0 && by[len(by)-1].sortBy != taskPropertyID) { // Don't sort by ID last if the id parameter is already passed as the last parameter.
+ by = append(by, &sortParam{sortBy: taskPropertyID, orderBy: orderAscending})
+ }
+ comparators := make([]taskComparator, 0, len(by))
+ for _, param := range by {
+ comparator, ok := propertyComparators[param.sortBy]
+ if !ok {
+ panic("No suitable comparator for sortBy found! Param was " + param.sortBy)
+ }
+ // This is a descending sort, so we need to negate the comparator (i.e. switch the inputs).
+ if param.orderBy == orderDescending {
+ oldComparator := comparator
+ comparator = func(lhs, rhs *Task) int64 {
+ return oldComparator(lhs, rhs) * -1
+ }
+ }
+ comparators = append(comparators, comparator)
+ }
+ combinedComparator := combineComparators(comparators...)
+ sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
+ lhs, rhs := tasks[i], tasks[j]
+ res := combinedComparator(lhs, rhs)
+ return res <= 0
+ })
diff --git a/pkg/models/task_collection_sort_test.go b/pkg/models/task_collection_sort_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d009e99c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/models/task_collection_sort_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,829 @@
+// Vikunja is a todo-list application to facilitate your life.
+// Copyright 2019 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+package models
+import (
+ "github.com/mohae/deepcopy"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "math/rand"
+ "reflect"
+ "testing"
+func TestSortParamValidation(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run("Test valid order by", func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run(orderAscending.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &sortParam{
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ sortBy: "id",
+ }
+ err := s.validate()
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ })
+ t.Run(orderDescending.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &sortParam{
+ orderBy: orderDescending,
+ sortBy: "id",
+ }
+ err := s.validate()
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ })
+ })
+ t.Run("Test valid sort by", func(t *testing.T) {
+ for _, test := range []sortProperty{
+ taskPropertyID,
+ taskPropertyText,
+ taskPropertyDescription,
+ taskPropertyDone,
+ taskPropertyDoneAtUnix,
+ taskPropertyDueDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyCreatedByID,
+ taskPropertyListID,
+ taskPropertyRepeatAfter,
+ taskPropertyPriority,
+ taskPropertyStartDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyEndDateUnix,
+ taskPropertyHexColor,
+ taskPropertyPercentDone,
+ taskPropertyUID,
+ taskPropertyCreated,
+ taskPropertyUpdated,
+ } {
+ t.Run(test.String(), func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &sortParam{
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ sortBy: test,
+ }
+ err := s.validate()
+ assert.NoError(t, err)
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ t.Run("Test invalid order by", func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &sortParam{
+ orderBy: "somethingInvalid",
+ sortBy: "id",
+ }
+ err := s.validate()
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assert.True(t, IsErrInvalidSortOrder(err))
+ })
+ t.Run("Test invalid sort by", func(t *testing.T) {
+ s := &sortParam{
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ sortBy: "somethingInvalid",
+ }
+ err := s.validate()
+ assert.Error(t, err)
+ assert.True(t, IsErrInvalidSortParam(err))
+ })
+var (
+ task1 = &Task{
+ ID: 1,
+ Text: "aaa",
+ Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
+ Done: true,
+ DoneAtUnix: 1543626000,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task2 = &Task{
+ ID: 2,
+ Text: "bbb",
+ Description: "Arem Ipsum",
+ Done: true,
+ DoneAtUnix: 1543626724,
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ ListID: 2,
+ PercentDone: 0.3,
+ StartDateUnix: 1543626724,
+ Created: 1553626724,
+ Updated: 1553626724,
+ }
+ task3 = &Task{
+ ID: 3,
+ Text: "ccc",
+ DueDateUnix: 1583626724,
+ Priority: 100,
+ ListID: 3,
+ HexColor: "000000",
+ PercentDone: 0.1,
+ Updated: 1555555555,
+ }
+ task4 = &Task{
+ ID: 4,
+ Text: "ddd",
+ Priority: 1,
+ StartDateUnix: 1643626724,
+ ListID: 1,
+ }
+ task5 = &Task{
+ ID: 5,
+ Text: "eef",
+ Priority: 50,
+ DueDateUnix: 1543636724,
+ Updated: 1565555555,
+ }
+ task6 = &Task{
+ ID: 6,
+ Text: "eef",
+ DueDateUnix: 1543616724,
+ RepeatAfter: 6400,
+ CreatedByID: 2,
+ HexColor: "ffffff",
+ }
+ task7 = &Task{
+ ID: 7,
+ Text: "mmmn",
+ Description: "Zoremis",
+ StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
+ EndDateUnix: 1584600000,
+ }
+ task8 = &Task{
+ ID: 8,
+ Text: "b123",
+ EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
+ }
+ task9 = &Task{
+ ID: 9,
+ Done: true,
+ DoneAtUnix: 1573626724,
+ Text: "a123",
+ RepeatAfter: 86000,
+ StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
+ EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
+ }
+ task10 = &Task{
+ ID: 10,
+ Text: "zzz",
+ Priority: 10,
+ PercentDone: 1,
+ }
+type taskSortTestCase struct {
+ name string
+ wantAsc []*Task
+ wantDesc []*Task
+ sortProperty sortProperty
+var taskSortTestCases = []taskSortTestCase{
+ {
+ name: "id",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyID,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task10,
+ task9,
+ task8,
+ task7,
+ task6,
+ task5,
+ task4,
+ task3,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "text",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyText,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task9,
+ task1,
+ task8,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task10,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task10,
+ task7,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task4,
+ task3,
+ task2,
+ task8,
+ task1,
+ task9,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "description",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyDescription,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task7,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task7,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "done",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyDone,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ // These are done
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task9,
+ // These are not
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ // These are not
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ // These are done
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task9,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "done at",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyDoneAtUnix,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task9,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task9,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "due date",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyDueDateUnix,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task4,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task6,
+ task5,
+ task3,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task4,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "created by id",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyCreatedByID,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task2,
+ task6,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task6,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "list id",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyListID,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task1,
+ task4,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "repeat after",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyRepeatAfter,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ task6,
+ task9,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task9,
+ task6,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "priority",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyPriority,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task4,
+ task10,
+ task5,
+ task3,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task5,
+ task10,
+ task4,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "start date",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyStartDateUnix,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ task2,
+ task7,
+ task9,
+ task4,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task4,
+ task7,
+ task9,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "end date",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyEndDateUnix,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task10,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task7,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "hex color",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyHexColor,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task3,
+ task6,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task6,
+ task3,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "percent done",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyPercentDone,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task3,
+ task2,
+ task10,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task10,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task1,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "uid",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyUID,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task1,
+ task5,
+ task7,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task7,
+ task5,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task6,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "created",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyCreated,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: "updated",
+ sortProperty: taskPropertyUpdated,
+ wantAsc: []*Task{
+ task4,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task5,
+ },
+ wantDesc: []*Task{
+ task5,
+ task3,
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task4,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ },
+ },
+func TestTaskSort(t *testing.T) {
+ assertTestSliceMatch := func(t *testing.T, got, want []*Task) {
+ if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
+ t.Error("Slices do not match in order")
+ t.Error("Got\t| Want")
+ for in, task := range got {
+ fail := ""
+ if task.ID != want[in].ID {
+ fail = "wrong"
+ }
+ t.Errorf("\t%d\t| %d \t%s", task.ID, want[in].ID, fail)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for _, testCase := range taskSortTestCases {
+ t.Run(testCase.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Run("asc default", func(t *testing.T) {
+ by := []*sortParam{
+ {
+ sortBy: testCase.sortProperty,
+ },
+ }
+ got := deepcopy.Copy(testCase.wantAsc).([]*Task)
+ // Destroy wanted order to obtain some slice we can sort
+ rand.Shuffle(len(got), func(i, j int) {
+ got[i], got[j] = got[j], got[i]
+ })
+ sortTasks(got, by)
+ assertTestSliceMatch(t, got, testCase.wantAsc)
+ })
+ t.Run("asc", func(t *testing.T) {
+ by := []*sortParam{
+ {
+ sortBy: testCase.sortProperty,
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ },
+ }
+ got := deepcopy.Copy(testCase.wantAsc).([]*Task)
+ // Destroy wanted order to obtain some slice we can sort
+ rand.Shuffle(len(got), func(i, j int) {
+ got[i], got[j] = got[j], got[i]
+ })
+ sortTasks(got, by)
+ assertTestSliceMatch(t, got, testCase.wantAsc)
+ })
+ t.Run("desc", func(t *testing.T) {
+ by := []*sortParam{
+ {
+ sortBy: testCase.sortProperty,
+ orderBy: orderDescending,
+ },
+ }
+ got := deepcopy.Copy(testCase.wantDesc).([]*Task)
+ // Destroy wanted order to obtain some slice we can sort
+ rand.Shuffle(len(got), func(i, j int) {
+ got[i], got[j] = got[j], got[i]
+ })
+ sortTasks(got, by)
+ assertTestSliceMatch(t, got, testCase.wantDesc)
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ // Other cases
+ t.Run("Order by Done Ascending and Text Descending", func(t *testing.T) {
+ want := []*Task{
+ // Done
+ task2,
+ task1,
+ task9,
+ // Not done
+ task10,
+ task7,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task4,
+ task3,
+ task8,
+ }
+ sortParams := []*sortParam{
+ {
+ sortBy: taskPropertyDone,
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ },
+ {
+ sortBy: taskPropertyText,
+ orderBy: orderDescending,
+ },
+ }
+ got := deepcopy.Copy(want).([]*Task)
+ // Destroy wanted order to obtain some slice we can sort
+ rand.Shuffle(len(got), func(i, j int) {
+ got[i], got[j] = got[j], got[i]
+ })
+ sortTasks(got, sortParams)
+ assertTestSliceMatch(t, got, want)
+ })
+ t.Run("Order by Done Descending and Text Ascending", func(t *testing.T) {
+ want := []*Task{
+ // Not done
+ task8,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task10,
+ // Done
+ task9,
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ }
+ sortParams := []*sortParam{
+ {
+ sortBy: taskPropertyDone,
+ orderBy: orderDescending,
+ },
+ {
+ sortBy: taskPropertyText,
+ orderBy: orderAscending,
+ },
+ }
+ got := deepcopy.Copy(want).([]*Task)
+ // Destroy wanted order to obtain some slice we can sort
+ rand.Shuffle(len(got), func(i, j int) {
+ got[i], got[j] = got[j], got[i]
+ })
+ sortTasks(got, sortParams)
+ assertTestSliceMatch(t, got, want)
+ })
diff --git a/pkg/models/task_collection_test.go b/pkg/models/task_collection_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..effe5e5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/models/task_collection_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+// Vikunja is a todo-list application to facilitate your life.
+// Copyright 2019 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+package models
+import (
+ "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/db"
+ "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/files"
+ "code.vikunja.io/web"
+ "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
+ "gopkg.in/d4l3k/messagediff.v1"
+ "testing"
+func TestTaskCollection_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
+ assert.NoError(t, db.LoadFixtures())
+ // Dummy users
+ user1 := &User{
+ ID: 1,
+ Username: "user1",
+ Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
+ IsActive: true,
+ AvatarURL: "111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808", // hash for ""
+ }
+ user2 := &User{
+ ID: 2,
+ Username: "user2",
+ Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
+ AvatarURL: "ab53a2911ddf9b4817ac01ddcd3d975f", // hash for ""
+ }
+ user6 := &User{
+ ID: 6,
+ Username: "user6",
+ Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
+ IsActive: true,
+ AvatarURL: "3efbe51f864c6666bc27caf4c6ff90ed", // hash for ""
+ }
+ // We use individual variables for the tasks here to be able to rearrange or remove ones more easily
+ task1 := &Task{
+ ID: 1,
+ Text: "task #1",
+ Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Labels: []*Label{
+ {
+ ID: 4,
+ Title: "Label #4 - visible via other task",
+ CreatedByID: 2,
+ CreatedBy: user2,
+ Updated: 0,
+ Created: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{
+ RelationKindSubtask: {
+ {
+ ID: 29,
+ Text: "task #29 with parent task (1)",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Attachments: []*TaskAttachment{
+ {
+ ID: 1,
+ TaskID: 1,
+ FileID: 1,
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ File: &files.File{
+ ID: 1,
+ Name: "test",
+ Size: 100,
+ CreatedUnix: 1570998791,
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ ID: 2,
+ TaskID: 1,
+ FileID: 9999,
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ },
+ },
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task2 := &Task{
+ ID: 2,
+ Text: "task #2 done",
+ Done: true,
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Labels: []*Label{
+ {
+ ID: 4,
+ Title: "Label #4 - visible via other task",
+ CreatedByID: 2,
+ CreatedBy: user2,
+ Updated: 0,
+ Created: 0,
+ },
+ },
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task3 := &Task{
+ ID: 3,
+ Text: "task #3 high prio",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ Priority: 100,
+ }
+ task4 := &Task{
+ ID: 4,
+ Text: "task #4 low prio",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ Priority: 1,
+ }
+ task5 := &Task{
+ ID: 5,
+ Text: "task #5 higher due date",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ DueDateUnix: 1543636724,
+ }
+ task6 := &Task{
+ ID: 6,
+ Text: "task #6 lower due date",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ DueDateUnix: 1543616724,
+ }
+ task7 := &Task{
+ ID: 7,
+ Text: "task #7 with start date",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
+ }
+ task8 := &Task{
+ ID: 8,
+ Text: "task #8 with end date",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
+ }
+ task9 := &Task{
+ ID: 9,
+ Text: "task #9 with start and end date",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
+ EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
+ }
+ task10 := &Task{
+ ID: 10,
+ Text: "task #10 basic",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task11 := &Task{
+ ID: 11,
+ Text: "task #11 basic",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task12 := &Task{
+ ID: 12,
+ Text: "task #12 basic",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task15 := &Task{
+ ID: 15,
+ Text: "task #15",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 6,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task16 := &Task{
+ ID: 16,
+ Text: "task #16",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 7,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task17 := &Task{
+ ID: 17,
+ Text: "task #17",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 8,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task18 := &Task{
+ ID: 18,
+ Text: "task #18",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 9,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task19 := &Task{
+ ID: 19,
+ Text: "task #19",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 10,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task20 := &Task{
+ ID: 20,
+ Text: "task #20",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 11,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task21 := &Task{
+ ID: 21,
+ Text: "task #21",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 12,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task22 := &Task{
+ ID: 22,
+ Text: "task #22",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 13,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task23 := &Task{
+ ID: 23,
+ Text: "task #23",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 14,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task24 := &Task{
+ ID: 24,
+ Text: "task #24",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 15,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task25 := &Task{
+ ID: 25,
+ Text: "task #25",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 16,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task26 := &Task{
+ ID: 26,
+ Text: "task #26",
+ CreatedByID: 6,
+ CreatedBy: user6,
+ ListID: 17,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task27 := &Task{
+ ID: 27,
+ Text: "task #27 with reminders",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ RemindersUnix: []int64{1543626724, 1543626824},
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task28 := &Task{
+ ID: 28,
+ Text: "task #28 with repeat after",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ RepeatAfter: 3600,
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task29 := &Task{
+ ID: 29,
+ Text: "task #29 with parent task (1)",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{
+ RelationKindParenttask: {
+ {
+ ID: 1,
+ Text: "task #1",
+ Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task30 := &Task{
+ ID: 30,
+ Text: "task #30 with assignees",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ Assignees: []*User{
+ user1,
+ user2,
+ },
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task31 := &Task{
+ ID: 31,
+ Text: "task #31 with color",
+ HexColor: "f0f0f0",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task32 := &Task{
+ ID: 32,
+ Text: "task #32",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 3,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ task33 := &Task{
+ ID: 33,
+ Text: "task #33 with percent done",
+ CreatedByID: 1,
+ CreatedBy: user1,
+ ListID: 1,
+ PercentDone: 0.5,
+ RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
+ Created: 1543626724,
+ Updated: 1543626724,
+ }
+ type fields struct {
+ ListID int64
+ StartDateSortUnix int64
+ EndDateSortUnix int64
+ Lists []*List
+ SortBy []string // Is a string, since this is the place where a query string comes from the user
+ OrderBy []string
+ CRUDable web.CRUDable
+ Rights web.Rights
+ }
+ type args struct {
+ search string
+ a web.Auth
+ page int
+ }
+ type testcase struct {
+ name string
+ fields fields
+ args args
+ want interface{}
+ wantErr bool
+ }
+ tests := []testcase{
+ {
+ name: "ReadAll Tasks normally",
+ fields: fields{},
+ args: args{
+ search: "",
+ a: &User{ID: 1},
+ page: 0,
+ },
+ want: []*Task{
+ task1,
+ task2,
+ task3,
+ task4,
+ task5,
+ task6,
+ task7,
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ task10,
+ task11,
+ task12,
+ task15,
+ task16,
+ task17,
+ task18,
+ task19,
+ task20,
+ task21,
+ task22,
+ task23,
+ task24,
+ task25,
+ task26,
+ task27,
+ task28,
+ task29,
+ task30,
+ task31,
+ task32,
+ task33,
+ },
+ wantErr: false,
+ },
+ {
+ // For more sorting tests see task_collection_sort_test.go
+ name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by done asc and id desc",
+ fields: fields{
+ SortBy: []string{"done", "id"},
+ OrderBy: []string{"asc", "desc"},
+ },
+ args: args{
+ search: "",
+ a: &User{ID: 1},
+ page: 0,
+ },
+ want: []*Task{
+ task2,
+ task33,
+ task32,
+ task31,
+ task30,
+ task29,
+ task28,
+ task27,
+ task26,
+ task25,
+ task24,
+ task23,
+ task22,
+ task21,
+ task20,
+ task19,
+ task18,
+ task17,
+ task16,
+ task15,
+ task12,
+ task11,
+ task10,
+ task9,
+ task8,
+ task7,
+ task6,
+ task5,
+ task4,
+ task3,
+ task1,
+ },
+ wantErr: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "ReadAll Tasks with range",
+ fields: fields{
+ StartDateSortUnix: 1544500000,
+ EndDateSortUnix: 1544600000,
+ },
+ args: args{
+ search: "",
+ a: &User{ID: 1},
+ page: 0,
+ },
+ want: []*Task{
+ task7,
+ task9,
+ },
+ wantErr: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "ReadAll Tasks with range",
+ fields: fields{
+ StartDateSortUnix: 1544700000,
+ EndDateSortUnix: 1545000000,
+ },
+ args: args{
+ search: "",
+ a: &User{ID: 1},
+ page: 0,
+ },
+ want: []*Task{
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ },
+ wantErr: false,
+ },
+ {
+ name: "ReadAll Tasks with range without end date",
+ fields: fields{
+ StartDateSortUnix: 1544700000,
+ },
+ args: args{
+ search: "",
+ a: &User{ID: 1},
+ page: 0,
+ },
+ want: []*Task{
+ task8,
+ task9,
+ },
+ wantErr: false,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, tt := range tests {
+ t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ lt := &TaskCollection{
+ ListID: tt.fields.ListID,
+ StartDateSortUnix: tt.fields.StartDateSortUnix,
+ EndDateSortUnix: tt.fields.EndDateSortUnix,
+ SortBy: tt.fields.SortBy,
+ OrderBy: tt.fields.OrderBy,
+ CRUDable: tt.fields.CRUDable,
+ Rights: tt.fields.Rights,
+ }
+ got, _, _, err := lt.ReadAll(tt.args.a, tt.args.search, tt.args.page, 50)
+ if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
+ t.Errorf("Test %s, Task.ReadAll() error = %v, wantErr %v", tt.name, err, tt.wantErr)
+ return
+ }
+ if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(got, tt.want); !equal {
+ t.Errorf("Test %s, LabelTask.ReadAll() = %v, want %v, \ndiff: %v", tt.name, got, tt.want, diff)
+ }
+ })
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/models/task_readall_test.go b/pkg/models/task_readall_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e869ae2..00000000
--- a/pkg/models/task_readall_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,728 +0,0 @@
-// Vikunja is a todo-list application to facilitate your life.
-// Copyright 2018-2019 Vikunja and contributors. All rights reserved.
-// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with this program. If not, see .
-package models
-import (
- "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/db"
- "code.vikunja.io/api/pkg/files"
- "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
- "gopkg.in/d4l3k/messagediff.v1"
- "sort"
- "testing"
- "code.vikunja.io/web"
-func sortTasksForTesting(by SortBy) (tasks []*Task) {
- user1 := &User{
- ID: 1,
- Username: "user1",
- Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
- IsActive: true,
- AvatarURL: "111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808", // hash for ""
- }
- user2 := &User{
- ID: 2,
- Username: "user2",
- Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
- AvatarURL: "ab53a2911ddf9b4817ac01ddcd3d975f", // hash for ""
- }
- user6 := &User{
- ID: 6,
- Username: "user6",
- Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
- IsActive: true,
- AvatarURL: "3efbe51f864c6666bc27caf4c6ff90ed", // hash for ""
- }
- tasks = []*Task{
- {
- ID: 1,
- Text: "task #1",
- Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- Labels: []*Label{
- {
- ID: 4,
- Title: "Label #4 - visible via other task",
- CreatedByID: 2,
- CreatedBy: user2,
- Updated: 0,
- Created: 0,
- },
- },
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{
- RelationKindSubtask: {
- {
- ID: 29,
- Text: "task #29 with parent task (1)",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- ListID: 1,
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- },
- },
- Attachments: []*TaskAttachment{
- {
- ID: 1,
- TaskID: 1,
- FileID: 1,
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- File: &files.File{
- ID: 1,
- Name: "test",
- Size: 100,
- CreatedUnix: 1570998791,
- CreatedByID: 1,
- },
- },
- {
- ID: 2,
- TaskID: 1,
- FileID: 9999,
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- },
- },
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 2,
- Text: "task #2 done",
- Done: true,
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- Labels: []*Label{
- {
- ID: 4,
- Title: "Label #4 - visible via other task",
- CreatedByID: 2,
- CreatedBy: user2,
- Updated: 0,
- Created: 0,
- },
- },
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 3,
- Text: "task #3 high prio",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- Priority: 100,
- },
- {
- ID: 4,
- Text: "task #4 low prio",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- Priority: 1,
- },
- {
- ID: 5,
- Text: "task #5 higher due date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- DueDateUnix: 1543636724,
- },
- {
- ID: 6,
- Text: "task #6 lower due date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- DueDateUnix: 1543616724,
- },
- {
- ID: 7,
- Text: "task #7 with start date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- },
- {
- ID: 8,
- Text: "task #8 with end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- {
- ID: 9,
- Text: "task #9 with start and end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- {
- ID: 10,
- Text: "task #10 basic",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 11,
- Text: "task #11 basic",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 12,
- Text: "task #12 basic",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 15,
- Text: "task #15",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 6,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 16,
- Text: "task #16",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 7,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 17,
- Text: "task #17",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 8,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 18,
- Text: "task #18",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 9,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 19,
- Text: "task #19",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 10,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 20,
- Text: "task #20",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 11,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 21,
- Text: "task #21",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 12,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 22,
- Text: "task #22",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 13,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 23,
- Text: "task #23",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 14,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 24,
- Text: "task #24",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 15,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 25,
- Text: "task #25",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 16,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 26,
- Text: "task #26",
- CreatedByID: 6,
- CreatedBy: user6,
- ListID: 17,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 27,
- Text: "task #27 with reminders",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- RemindersUnix: []int64{1543626724, 1543626824},
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 28,
- Text: "task #28 with repeat after",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- RepeatAfter: 3600,
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 29,
- Text: "task #29 with parent task (1)",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{
- RelationKindParenttask: {
- {
- ID: 1,
- Text: "task #1",
- Description: "Lorem Ipsum",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- ListID: 1,
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- },
- },
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 30,
- Text: "task #30 with assignees",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- Assignees: []*User{
- user1,
- user2,
- },
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 31,
- Text: "task #31 with color",
- HexColor: "f0f0f0",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 32,
- Text: "task #32",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 3,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- {
- ID: 33,
- Text: "task #33 with percent done",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- PercentDone: 0.5,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- },
- }
- switch by {
- case SortTasksByPriorityDesc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].Priority > tasks[j].Priority
- })
- case SortTasksByPriorityAsc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].Priority < tasks[j].Priority
- })
- case SortTasksByDueDateDesc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].DueDateUnix > tasks[j].DueDateUnix
- })
- case SortTasksByDueDateAsc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].DueDateUnix < tasks[j].DueDateUnix
- })
- }
- return
-func TestTask_ReadAll(t *testing.T) {
- assert.NoError(t, db.LoadFixtures())
- // Dummy users
- user1 := &User{
- ID: 1,
- Username: "user1",
- Password: "$2a$14$dcadBoMBL9jQoOcZK8Fju.cy0Ptx2oZECkKLnaa8ekRoTFe1w7To.",
- IsActive: true,
- AvatarURL: "111d68d06e2d317b5a59c2c6c5bad808", // hash for ""
- }
- type fields struct {
- ListID int64
- Sorting string
- StartDateSortUnix int64
- EndDateSortUnix int64
- Lists []*List
- CRUDable web.CRUDable
- Rights web.Rights
- }
- type args struct {
- search string
- a web.Auth
- page int
- }
- tests := []struct {
- name string
- fields fields
- args args
- want interface{}
- wantErr bool
- }{
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks normally",
- fields: fields{},
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByUnsorted),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by priority (desc)",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "priority",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByPriorityDesc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by priority asc",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "priorityasc",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByPriorityAsc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by priority desc",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "prioritydesc",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByPriorityDesc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by due date default desc",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "duedate",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByDueDateDesc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by due date asc",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "duedateasc",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByDueDateAsc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks sorted by due date desc",
- fields: fields{
- Sorting: "duedatedesc",
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: sortTasksForTesting(SortTasksByDueDateDesc),
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks with range",
- fields: fields{
- StartDateSortUnix: 1544500000,
- EndDateSortUnix: 1544600000,
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: []*Task{
- {
- ID: 7,
- Text: "task #7 with start date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- },
- {
- ID: 9,
- Text: "task #9 with start and end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- },
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks with range",
- fields: fields{
- StartDateSortUnix: 1544700000,
- EndDateSortUnix: 1545000000,
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: []*Task{
- {
- ID: 8,
- Text: "task #8 with end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- {
- ID: 9,
- Text: "task #9 with start and end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- },
- wantErr: false,
- },
- {
- name: "ReadAll Tasks with range without end date",
- fields: fields{
- StartDateSortUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- args: args{
- search: "",
- a: &User{ID: 1},
- page: 0,
- },
- want: []*Task{
- {
- ID: 8,
- Text: "task #8 with end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- {
- ID: 9,
- Text: "task #9 with start and end date",
- CreatedByID: 1,
- CreatedBy: user1,
- ListID: 1,
- RelatedTasks: map[RelationKind][]*Task{},
- Created: 1543626724,
- Updated: 1543626724,
- StartDateUnix: 1544600000,
- EndDateUnix: 1544700000,
- },
- },
- wantErr: false,
- },
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
- lt := &TaskCollection{
- ListID: tt.fields.ListID,
- Sorting: tt.fields.Sorting,
- StartDateSortUnix: tt.fields.StartDateSortUnix,
- EndDateSortUnix: tt.fields.EndDateSortUnix,
- CRUDable: tt.fields.CRUDable,
- Rights: tt.fields.Rights,
- }
- got, _, _, err := lt.ReadAll(tt.args.a, tt.args.search, tt.args.page, 50)
- if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
- t.Errorf("Test %s, Task.ReadAll() error = %v, wantErr %v", tt.name, err, tt.wantErr)
- return
- }
- if diff, equal := messagediff.PrettyDiff(got, tt.want); !equal {
- t.Errorf("Test %s, LabelTask.ReadAll() = %v, want %v, \ndiff: %v", tt.name, got, tt.want, diff)
- }
- })
- }
diff --git a/pkg/models/tasks.go b/pkg/models/tasks.go
index 3da801cd..a4c9d428 100644
--- a/pkg/models/tasks.go
+++ b/pkg/models/tasks.go
@@ -105,25 +105,13 @@ func (TaskReminder) TableName() string {
return "task_reminders"
-// SortBy declares constants to sort
-type SortBy int
-// These are possible sort options
-const (
- SortTasksByUnsorted SortBy = -1
- SortTasksByDueDateAsc = iota
- SortTasksByDueDateDesc
- SortTasksByPriorityAsc
- SortTasksByPriorityDesc
type taskOptions struct {
search string
- sortby SortBy
startDate time.Time
endDate time.Time
page int
perPage int
+ sortby []*sortParam
// ReadAll is a dummy function to still have that endpoint documented
@@ -154,16 +142,19 @@ func getRawTasksForLists(lists []*List, opts *taskOptions) (taskMap map[int64]*T
listIDs = append(listIDs, l.ID)
+ // Since xorm does not use placeholders for order by, it is possible to expose this with sql injection if we're directly
+ // passing user input to the db.
+ // As a workaround to prevent this, we check for valid column names here prior to passing it to the db.
var orderby string
- switch opts.sortby {
- case SortTasksByPriorityDesc:
- orderby = "priority desc"
- case SortTasksByPriorityAsc:
- orderby = "priority asc"
- case SortTasksByDueDateDesc:
- orderby = "due_date_unix desc"
- case SortTasksByDueDateAsc:
- orderby = "due_date_unix asc"
+ for i, param := range opts.sortby {
+ // Validate the params
+ if err := param.validate(); err != nil {
+ return nil, 0, 0, err
+ }
+ orderby += param.sortBy.String() + " " + param.orderBy.String()
+ if (i + 1) < len(opts.sortby) {
+ orderby += ", "
+ }
taskMap = make(map[int64]*Task)
@@ -232,34 +223,13 @@ func getTasksForLists(lists []*List, opts *taskOptions) (tasks []*Task, resultCo
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, err
- // Because the list is sorted by id which we don't want (since we're dealing with maps)
+ // Because the list is fully unsorted (since we're dealing with maps)
// we have to manually sort the tasks again here.
sortTasks(tasks, opts.sortby)
return tasks, resultCount, totalItems, err
-func sortTasks(tasks []*Task, by SortBy) {
- switch by {
- case SortTasksByPriorityDesc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].Priority > tasks[j].Priority
- })
- case SortTasksByPriorityAsc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].Priority < tasks[j].Priority
- })
- case SortTasksByDueDateDesc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].DueDateUnix > tasks[j].DueDateUnix
- })
- case SortTasksByDueDateAsc:
- sort.Slice(tasks, func(i, j int) bool {
- return tasks[i].DueDateUnix < tasks[j].DueDateUnix
- })
- }
// GetTasksByListID gets all todotasks for a list
func GetTasksByListID(listID int64) (tasks []*Task, err error) {
// make a map so we can put in a lot of other stuff more easily
diff --git a/pkg/swagger/docs.go b/pkg/swagger/docs.go
index 5d7f0b66..76873197 100644
--- a/pkg/swagger/docs.go
+++ b/pkg/swagger/docs.go
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
// This file was generated by swaggo/swag at
-// 2019-12-01 13:20:36.822585642 +0100 CET m=+0.129079038
+// 2019-12-05 22:15:49.761451764 +0100 CET m=+0.171539379
package swagger
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ var doc = `{
"JWTKeyAuth": []
- "description": "Returns a list by its ID.",
+ "description": "Returns a team by its ID.",
"consumes": [
@@ -415,13 +415,13 @@ var doc = `{
"tags": [
- "list"
+ "team"
- "summary": "Gets one list",
+ "summary": "Gets one team",
"parameters": [
"type": "integer",
- "description": "List ID",
+ "description": "Team ID",
"name": "id",
"in": "path",
"required": true
@@ -429,13 +429,13 @@ var doc = `{
"responses": {
"200": {
- "description": "The list",
+ "description": "The team",
"schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/models.List"
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/models.Team"
"403": {
- "description": "The user does not have access to the list",
+ "description": "The user does not have access to the team",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/code.vikunja.io.web.HTTPError"
@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ var doc = `{
"tags": [
- "summary": "Get tasks on a list",
+ "summary": "Get tasks in a list",
"parameters": [
"type": "integer",
@@ -1013,8 +1013,14 @@ var doc = `{
"type": "string",
- "description": "The sorting parameter. Possible values to sort by are priority, prioritydesc, priorityasc, duedate, duedatedesc, duedateasc.",
- "name": "sort",
+ "description": "The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get the tasks ordered by multiple different parametes, along with ` + "`" + `order_by` + "`" + `. Possible values to sort by are ` + "`" + `id` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `text` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `description` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `done` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `done_at_unix` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `due_date_unix` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `created_by_id` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `list_id` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `repeat_after` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `priority` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `start_date_unix` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `end_date_unix` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `hex_color` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `percent_done` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `uid` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `created` + "`" + `, ` + "`" + `updated` + "`" + `. Default is ` + "`" + `id` + "`" + `.",
+ "name": "sort_by",
+ "in": "query"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are ` + "`" + `asc` + "`" + ` or ` + "`" + `desc` + "`" + `. Default is ` + "`" + `asc` + "`" + `.",
+ "name": "order_by",
"in": "query"
@@ -4633,13 +4639,6 @@ var doc = `{
"type": "object",
"$ref": "#/definitions/models.User"
- "tasks": {
- "description": "An array of tasks which belong to the list.",
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/models.Task"
- }
- },
"title": {
"description": "The title of the list. You'll see this in the namespace overview.",
"type": "string",
diff --git a/pkg/swagger/swagger.json b/pkg/swagger/swagger.json
index af8c048e..a3c54a4d 100644
--- a/pkg/swagger/swagger.json
+++ b/pkg/swagger/swagger.json
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
"JWTKeyAuth": []
- "description": "Returns a list by its ID.",
+ "description": "Returns a team by its ID.",
"consumes": [
@@ -397,13 +397,13 @@
"tags": [
- "list"
+ "team"
- "summary": "Gets one list",
+ "summary": "Gets one team",
"parameters": [
"type": "integer",
- "description": "List ID",
+ "description": "Team ID",
"name": "id",
"in": "path",
"required": true
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@
"responses": {
"200": {
- "description": "The list",
+ "description": "The team",
"schema": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/models.List"
+ "$ref": "#/definitions/models.Team"
"403": {
- "description": "The user does not have access to the list",
+ "description": "The user does not have access to the team",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/code.vikunja.io/web.HTTPError"
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@
"tags": [
- "summary": "Get tasks on a list",
+ "summary": "Get tasks in a list",
"parameters": [
"type": "integer",
@@ -995,8 +995,14 @@
"type": "string",
- "description": "The sorting parameter. Possible values to sort by are priority, prioritydesc, priorityasc, duedate, duedatedesc, duedateasc.",
- "name": "sort",
+ "description": "The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get the tasks ordered by multiple different parametes, along with `order_by`. Possible values to sort by are `id`, `text`, `description`, `done`, `done_at_unix`, `due_date_unix`, `created_by_id`, `list_id`, `repeat_after`, `priority`, `start_date_unix`, `end_date_unix`, `hex_color`, `percent_done`, `uid`, `created`, `updated`. Default is `id`.",
+ "name": "sort_by",
+ "in": "query"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "string",
+ "description": "The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are `asc` or `desc`. Default is `asc`.",
+ "name": "order_by",
"in": "query"
@@ -4614,13 +4620,6 @@
"type": "object",
"$ref": "#/definitions/models.User"
- "tasks": {
- "description": "An array of tasks which belong to the list.",
- "type": "array",
- "items": {
- "$ref": "#/definitions/models.Task"
- }
- },
"title": {
"description": "The title of the list. You'll see this in the namespace overview.",
"type": "string",
diff --git a/pkg/swagger/swagger.yaml b/pkg/swagger/swagger.yaml
index 5c7ea2c8..b4c9d314 100644
--- a/pkg/swagger/swagger.yaml
+++ b/pkg/swagger/swagger.yaml
@@ -236,11 +236,6 @@ definitions:
$ref: '#/definitions/models.User'
description: The user who created this list.
type: object
- tasks:
- description: An array of tasks which belong to the list.
- items:
- $ref: '#/definitions/models.Task'
- type: array
description: The title of the list. You'll see this in the namespace overview.
maxLength: 250
@@ -1138,9 +1133,9 @@ paths:
- application/json
- description: Returns a list by its ID.
+ description: Returns a team by its ID.
- - description: List ID
+ - description: Team ID
in: path
name: id
required: true
@@ -1149,11 +1144,11 @@ paths:
- application/json
- description: The list
+ description: The team
- $ref: '#/definitions/models.List'
+ $ref: '#/definitions/models.Team'
- description: The user does not have access to the list
+ description: The user does not have access to the team
$ref: '#/definitions/code.vikunja.io/web.HTTPError'
@@ -1162,9 +1157,9 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/definitions/models.Message'
- JWTKeyAuth: []
- summary: Gets one list
+ summary: Gets one team
- - list
+ - team
- application/json
@@ -1667,10 +1662,19 @@ paths:
in: query
name: s
type: string
- - description: The sorting parameter. Possible values to sort by are priority,
- prioritydesc, priorityasc, duedate, duedatedesc, duedateasc.
+ - description: The sorting parameter. You can pass this multiple times to get
+ the tasks ordered by multiple different parametes, along with `order_by`.
+ Possible values to sort by are `id`, `text`, `description`, `done`, `done_at_unix`,
+ `due_date_unix`, `created_by_id`, `list_id`, `repeat_after`, `priority`,
+ `start_date_unix`, `end_date_unix`, `hex_color`, `percent_done`, `uid`,
+ `created`, `updated`. Default is `id`.
in: query
- name: sort
+ name: sort_by
+ type: string
+ - description: The ordering parameter. Possible values to order by are `asc`
+ or `desc`. Default is `asc`.
+ in: query
+ name: order_by
type: string
- description: The start date parameter to filter by. Expects a unix timestamp.
If no end date, but a start date is specified, the end date is set to the
@@ -1699,7 +1703,7 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/definitions/models.Message'
- JWTKeyAuth: []
- summary: Get tasks on a list
+ summary: Get tasks in a list
- task
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.gitignore b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5846dd15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
+# Folders
+# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.travis.yml b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd47a8cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+language: go
+ - tip
+ allow_failures:
+ - go: tip
+ - go test ./...
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..419673f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Joel
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/README.md b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f8184188
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[![GoDoc](https://godoc.org/github.com/mohae/deepcopy?status.svg)](https://godoc.org/github.com/mohae/deepcopy)[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mohae/deepcopy.png)](https://travis-ci.org/mohae/deepcopy)
+DeepCopy makes deep copies of things: unexported field values are not copied.
+## Usage
+ cpy := deepcopy.Copy(orig)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/deepcopy.go b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/deepcopy.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba763ad0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/mohae/deepcopy/deepcopy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// deepcopy makes deep copies of things. A standard copy will copy the
+// pointers: deep copy copies the values pointed to. Unexported field
+// values are not copied.
+// Copyright (c)2014-2016, Joel Scoble (github.com/mohae), all rights reserved.
+// License: MIT, for more details check the included LICENSE file.
+package deepcopy
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "time"
+// Interface for delegating copy process to type
+type Interface interface {
+ DeepCopy() interface{}
+// Iface is an alias to Copy; this exists for backwards compatibility reasons.
+func Iface(iface interface{}) interface{} {
+ return Copy(iface)
+// Copy creates a deep copy of whatever is passed to it and returns the copy
+// in an interface{}. The returned value will need to be asserted to the
+// correct type.
+func Copy(src interface{}) interface{} {
+ if src == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ // Make the interface a reflect.Value
+ original := reflect.ValueOf(src)
+ // Make a copy of the same type as the original.
+ cpy := reflect.New(original.Type()).Elem()
+ // Recursively copy the original.
+ copyRecursive(original, cpy)
+ // Return the copy as an interface.
+ return cpy.Interface()
+// copyRecursive does the actual copying of the interface. It currently has
+// limited support for what it can handle. Add as needed.
+func copyRecursive(original, cpy reflect.Value) {
+ // check for implement deepcopy.Interface
+ if original.CanInterface() {
+ if copier, ok := original.Interface().(Interface); ok {
+ cpy.Set(reflect.ValueOf(copier.DeepCopy()))
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ // handle according to original's Kind
+ switch original.Kind() {
+ case reflect.Ptr:
+ // Get the actual value being pointed to.
+ originalValue := original.Elem()
+ // if it isn't valid, return.
+ if !originalValue.IsValid() {
+ return
+ }
+ cpy.Set(reflect.New(originalValue.Type()))
+ copyRecursive(originalValue, cpy.Elem())
+ case reflect.Interface:
+ // If this is a nil, don't do anything
+ if original.IsNil() {
+ return
+ }
+ // Get the value for the interface, not the pointer.
+ originalValue := original.Elem()
+ // Get the value by calling Elem().
+ copyValue := reflect.New(originalValue.Type()).Elem()
+ copyRecursive(originalValue, copyValue)
+ cpy.Set(copyValue)
+ case reflect.Struct:
+ t, ok := original.Interface().(time.Time)
+ if ok {
+ cpy.Set(reflect.ValueOf(t))
+ return
+ }
+ // Go through each field of the struct and copy it.
+ for i := 0; i < original.NumField(); i++ {
+ // The Type's StructField for a given field is checked to see if StructField.PkgPath
+ // is set to determine if the field is exported or not because CanSet() returns false
+ // for settable fields. I'm not sure why. -mohae
+ if original.Type().Field(i).PkgPath != "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ copyRecursive(original.Field(i), cpy.Field(i))
+ }
+ case reflect.Slice:
+ if original.IsNil() {
+ return
+ }
+ // Make a new slice and copy each element.
+ cpy.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(original.Type(), original.Len(), original.Cap()))
+ for i := 0; i < original.Len(); i++ {
+ copyRecursive(original.Index(i), cpy.Index(i))
+ }
+ case reflect.Map:
+ if original.IsNil() {
+ return
+ }
+ cpy.Set(reflect.MakeMap(original.Type()))
+ for _, key := range original.MapKeys() {
+ originalValue := original.MapIndex(key)
+ copyValue := reflect.New(originalValue.Type()).Elem()
+ copyRecursive(originalValue, copyValue)
+ copyKey := Copy(key.Interface())
+ cpy.SetMapIndex(reflect.ValueOf(copyKey), copyValue)
+ }
+ default:
+ cpy.Set(original)
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/procfs/go.mod b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/procfs/go.mod
index 14631543..e89ee6c9 100644
--- a/vendor/github.com/prometheus/procfs/go.mod
+++ b/vendor/github.com/prometheus/procfs/go.mod
@@ -1,3 +1 @@
module github.com/prometheus/procfs
-go 1.12
diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt
index 078cb301..57b04dae 100644
--- a/vendor/modules.txt
+++ b/vendor/modules.txt
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
# github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.1.2
+# github.com/mohae/deepcopy v0.0.0-20170929034955-c48cc78d4826
# github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter v0.0.1
# github.com/op/go-logging v0.0.0-20160315200505-970db520ece7